The PbxMessages protocol is available on AppWebsocket connections to the Messages App.
There are different applications for this protocol
- Store Chat messages
The PBX Messages object uses this protocol to store chat messages, for users having
this object as messages object configured.
- Retrieve Chat messages
A chat client can use this protocol to retrieve stored chat messages. For this
the PbxMessages protocol is used to forward messages
of this protocol from the AppWebsocket connection to the PBX to the messages App.
- Post messages in general
The Topic App or other Apps can use the Protocol to post messages, and monitor for
posted messages with filters based on hashtags and topics.
General structure
"src": string,
"mt": string,
- src
The AppWebsocket src mechanism is supported on the interface. So a src
property may be used
- mt
The message type identifies the requested operation
Note: No api property is used by the Messages protocol. The messages sent on an AppWebsocket
connection to an App implementing the Messages protocol are interpreted by default as belonging
to the Messages protocol.
Messages to the Messages App
- Post
- Post a message
- ReadChats
- Read the list of chat destinations
- ReadChat
- Read messages of a chat destination
- CreateFileBuffer
- Create a file buffer, to which an attachment can be uploaded. A URL is returned
to which the file can be posted. This URL is also send with the chat message
- WriteGroup
- Create or update a group. The sip URI of the group is created
- ReadGroups
- Read the list of available Groups
- WriteMember
- Add a member to a group or delete a member of a group
- SetFilter
- Set a filter to receive messages matching this filter
- Discussion
- Read the messages belonging to a discussion
- Attachments
- Read the attachments to a message
- SetRead
- Mark a message as read
- Update
- Update a message
- Delete
- Delete a message
- GetMore
- Get more, older messages
Messages from the Messages App
Objects - Objects used for this protocol
"src": string,
"mt": "Post",
"author": string,
"filterSrc": string,
"type": unsigned,
"repliesTo": ulong64,
"topic": string,
"text": string,
"notify": [string, ...],
"tags": [string, ...],
"attach": string
Post a message
- author
The sip URI of the author of the message. If the author is from the local domain
only the user part of the URI is used
- filterSrc
Optionally a the src used by a messages display using SetFilter, in which context this
message is posted, so that it does not need to be sent back as updated.
- type
Optional type of the message. If no type is given 0 is assumed, which is a normal message.
The type 1 is reserved for chat messages.
- repliesTo
If set it refers to the id of another message and indicates that this message is a reply
to this other message.
- topic
Required. Indicates the SIP uri of the topic. Topics are used to structure the message
storage and to control access. The sip URI of any App object, the user has given
access to may be used as topic.
- text
The text of the message coded as HTML.
- notity
Array of SIP URIs of users, which shall be notified about this message
- tags
Array of tags associated to this message.
- attach
List of URL encoded URLs seperated by blank. From these URLs the files are read and
stored as attachment on the message.
"src": string,
"mt": "PostResult",
"error": bool,
"session": ulong64,
"key": ulon64,
"id": ulong64,
"addsTo"; ulong64
Send as response to Post.
- error
true indicates, that the post has failed
- session, key
Session which can be used to POST attachments
- id
The id of the new message
- addsTo
The id of the discussion, this message belongs to
"src": string,
"mt": "ReadChats",
"topic": string,
"unread": bool
Read all destinations of the stored chat messages.
- topic
The topic for which the messages are read. The topic is typically the SIP uri of
the user, as chat messages are stored in the personal topic of the user.
- unread
If true, chat destinations with an unread count only are returned.
"src": string,
"mt": "ReadChatsInd",
"sip": string,
"dn": string,
"grp": bool,
"timestamp": ulong64,
"unread": unsigned
Returns a chat destination
- sip
SIP URI of the destinatio
- dn
Display name of the destination
- grp
If true the destination is a group
- timestamp
The timestaamp of the last message to or from this destination
- unread
Number of unread messages. Returned only if requested with the unread property
in ReadChats
"src": string,
"mt": "ReadChatsResult",
Send as response to ReadChats as last message
"src": string,
"mt": "ReadChat",
"topic": string,
"sip": string,
"older": ulong64,
"noind": bool,
"count": unsigned,
"session": ulong64,
"user": string
Read all destinations of the stored chat messages.
- topic
The topic from which messages are read. Typically the SIP URI of the user, as chat
messages are stored in the personal topic of the user
- sip
The chat destination
- older
If present, only messages older then this timestamp are read
- noind
If set no messages are returned, but only the unread status is cleared
- count
The maximum number of messages to be read
- session, user
Set by the PBX within the PbxMessages API to verify that the user is allowed to read
these messages. So when using this message thru PbxMessages a Session needs to be
established with the Session message and these properties should be omitted.
"src": string,
"mt": "ReadChatInd",
"msg": msg
Returns a chat message
- msg
An object containing the message
"src": string,
"mt": "ReadChatResult",
ReadChat is complete
"src": string,
"mt": "CreateFileBuffer",
"name": string
Create a file buffer.
- name
The file name. Only used for display purposes. No need to be unique in any way
"src": string,
"mt": "CreateFileBufferResult",
"id": ulong64,
"url": string
Indicate the file buffer is create
- id
Id of the buffer. Used to delete the file buffer
- url
URL which can be used to POST the file to
"src": string,
"mt": "WriteGroup",
"id": ulong64,
"dn": string,
"user": string
Create/Update a group
- id
The id of the group. If present, the message is used to update an existing group
- dn
Display name of the group. If this is not present, the group is deleted
- user
When using this Api thru PbxMessages, this property is added by the PBX
"src": string,
"mt": "WriteGroupResult",
"id": ulong64,
"sip": string
Indicate the group is written
- id
Id of the group
- sip
SIP URI of the group. This can be used to send messages to the group.
"src": string,
"mt": "ReadGroups",
"user": string
Read all available groups
- user
- Added by the PBX, if this message was sent thru PbxMessages
"src": string,
"mt": "ReadGroupsInd",
"id": ulong64,
"sip": string
"dn": string
Returns a group
- id
- The id of the group. Used for edit/delete
- sip
- The SIP URI of the group
- dn
- The display name of the group
"src": string,
"mt": "ReadGroupsResult",
ReadGroups is complete
"src": string,
"mt": "WriteMember",
"id": ulong64,
"grp": ulong64,
"member": string,
"admin": bool
Create/Update a group member
- id
The id of the member. If present, the message is used to update an existing member.
- grp
id of the group
- member
SIP URI of the member
- admin
If true this member is a group admin, who may edit the group and add/remove members
"src": string,
"mt": "WriteMemberResult"
Indicate the member is written
"src": string,
"mt": "SetFilter",
"count": unsigned,
"addsTo": ulong64,
"liked": bool,
"filter": filter
Read all available groups
- count
The maximum number of messages initially returned
- addsTo
Only messages belonging to the discussion identified by this id are returned
- liked
If set to true only messages which are liked by other users are returned.
"src": string,
"mt": "Add",
"addsTo": ulong64,
"repliesTo": ulong64,
"author": string,
"dn": string,
"topic": string,
"text": string,
"timestamp": ulong64,
"rtimestamp": ulong64,
"replies": unsigned,
"likes": unsigned,
"like": bool,
"read": ulong64,
"unread": unsigned
This message is sent to add a message to the display of messages matching to a given filter.
- addsTo
The id of the discussion this message is assigned to.
- repliesTo
The id of the message, this message is a reply to.
- author
SIP URI of the author
- dn
Display name of the author
- topics
SIP URI of the topic
- text
The message text
- timestamp
The timestamp, when this message was posted
- rtimestamp
The timestamp of the latest message belonging to the same discussion
- replies
The number of replies to this message
- likes
The number of likes of this message
- like
true if liked by the user requesting this message
- unread
Number of unread messages, which are posted as reply to this message.
"src": string,
"mt": "SetFilterResult"
Send as response to SetFilter, after the initial list of messages are sent.
"src": string,
"mt": "Discussion",
"discussion": ulong64,
"count": unsigned
Read the messages belonging to a discussion
- discussion
The id of the discussion as provided as addsTo property in an Add message
- count/dt>
The maximum number of messages sent
"src": string,
"mt": "DiscussionResult"
Indicate that all requested messages are sent for the Discussion.
"src": string,
"mt": "Attachments",
"id": ulong64
Read the list of attachments of a message
- id
The id of the message.
"src": string,
"mt": "AttachmentsResult",
"files": [file, ...]
Provides the list of attachments
- files
An array of objects decribing a file
"src": string,
"mt": "SetRead",
"id": ulong64
Mark a message as read
- id
The id of the message.
"src": string,
"mt": "SetReadResult",
"id": ulong64
SetRead complete
- id
The id of the message.
"src": string,
"mt": "Update",
"id": ulong64,
"text": string,
"notify": [string, ...],
"tags": [string, ...]
Update a message
- id
The id of the message to be updated
- text
The text of the message coded as HTML.
- notity
Array of SIP URIs of users, which shall be notified about this message
- tags
Array of tags associated to this message.
"src": string,
"mt": "UpdateResult",
"error": bool,
"session": ulong64,
"key": ulon64
Send as response to Update.
- error
true indicates, that the post has failed
- session, key
Session which can be used to POST attachments
"src": string,
"mt": "Delete",
"id": ulong64
Delete a message
- id
The id of the message.
"src": string,
"mt": "DeleteResult",
"error": bool
Delete complete
- error
True if delete failed.
"src": string,
"mt": "GetMore",
"count": unsigned,
"addsTo": ulong64,
"liked": bool,
"read": bool,
"timestamp": ulong64,
"id": id
Get more message related to a given filter. src is used to identify the filter in this case.
The messages are sent with an Add message.
- count
Maximum number of messages to be read
- addsTo
Limit messages to the discussion identified by this
- liked
Only liked messages
- read
Include information about number of unread messages
- timestamp
Messages older then this timestamp
- id
Exclude the message identified by this id
"src": string,
"mt": "GetMoreResult"
GetMore complete
"id": ulong64,
"author": string,
"dn": string,
"text": string,
"timestamp": ulong64,
"attached": [attach]
- id
Id of the message. Used to delete or update
- author
SIP URI of the author
- dn
Display name of the author
- text
The message text
- timestamp
The timestamp of the message
- attached
Array of objects decribing attachments.
"name": string,
"url": string
- name
The name of the attachment.
- url
The URL which can be used to download the attachment.
"op": string,
"topics": [string, ...],
"tags": [string, ...],
"authors": [string, ...],
"notifies": [string, ...],
"filters": [filter, ...]
- op
The operation, which shall be used for the items in the filter. Default is "and", meaning
that all items must match. The other available operation is "or".
- topics
The topics, which should match. With an and operation, more then one topic does not make
sense, because a message is only assigned to a single topic.
- tags
Tags of the message, which should match
- authors
The author, which should match. With an and operation, more then one author does not make
sense, because a message only has one author.
- notifies
SIP URIs of users, which are notified with this message
- filters
List of filters which are combined to this filter with the same operation.
"id": ulong64,
"url": string,
"name": string
- id
The id of the file
- url
An URL, which can be used to download the file in the context of the current session.
- name
The name of the file. This is used for display purposes only.