
If you like to charge customers for your app, you need to implement some kind of software licensing mechanism and sell the licenses. This article describes the different options that you have.

If you distribute your app on the innovaphone App Store, you need to specify which option your app uses.


innovaphone licensing model
Paid apps that use the same per-user licenses as the innovaphone apps. The licenses are sold by innovaphone.
Your own licensing model
Paid apps using your own licenses.
Free apps
Free apps that do not require a license.

innovaphone licensing model


Naming scheme

A license refers to a single app. If your app service provides multiple apps, they are licensed individually.

The license name contains the name of the HTML file of the app without the extension. So your HTML file name must be unique and follow the scheme manufacturer-appname.htm.

Example: Switchbard by innovaphone

HTML file: innovaphone-switchboard.htm
License name: App(innovaphone-switchboard)

Example: Calculator by ACME

HTML file: acme-calculator.htm
License name: App(acme-calculator)

Checking the license

The actual license check is done by the PBX when a user requests a login for your app. The following conditions must be met that the PBX marks the login as licensed:

The information if the user got a license is then transmitted to the app as part of the login. This is done using the unlicensed attribute in the info object of the AppLogin message. The structure is protected by the login digest.

In the JavaScript code of your app, you can check the license like that:

var app = new innovaphone.appwebsocket.Connection(start.url,;
app.onconnected = app_connected;

function app_connected(domain, user, dn, appdomain) {
    if ( {
        // unlicensed mode
    else {
        // licensed mode

In the C++ code of an app service, you can do the same check on incoming websocket connections. Note that you might need to distinguish between the connections from different apps.

bool NewApp1Session::AppWebsocketConnectComplete(class json_io & msg, word info)
    bool unlicensed = msg.get_bool(info, "unlicensed");

    if (app && !strcmp(app, "manufacturer-newapp1")) {
        if (unlicensed) {
            // unlicensed mode
        else {
            // licensed mode
    else if (app && !strcmp(app, "manufacturer-newapp1admin") {
        // no license needed
    return true;

Unlicensed mode

It's up to you, what your app does without a license. Some ideas:

Your own licensing model

If you don't want to use the innovaphone licensing model, you can use your own one. In that case you need to sell and check the licenses yourself.

Note: Your app must ignore the unlicensed attribute in the info object of the AppLogin message. It will always be true, as the PBX does not find an innovaphone app license for the user.

Free apps

If your app is for free, you don't need to do something special.

Note: Your app must ignore the unlicensed attribute in the info object of the AppLogin message. It will always be true, as the PBX does not find an innovaphone app license for the user.