The PbxApi protocol is available on AppWebsocket connections to innovaphone PBX objects, if the object is enabled for the PbxApi. It allows access to the presence, favourties and node information.
"api": "PbxApi",
"src": string,
"mt": string,
In general operatios are performed by sending a message with a message type <name> to the PBX. The result is retured with a message with message type <name>Result. Some operations turn on monitoring and cause additional update messages sent by the PBX.
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "SubscribePresence",
"sip": string,
"num": string
Start monitoring of the presence of the object defined by sip
or num
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "SubscribePresenceResult"
Message sent back to confirm start of the monitoring
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "PresenceState"
"up": boolean
"sip": string,
"num": string,
"dn": string,
"email": string
Message sent back whenever the state of the presence monitoring has changed. It also includes the full endpoint info that was retrieved with the subscription.
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "PresenceUpdate",
"presence": [presence]
Sent after the presence monitor is up and whenever the presence of the monitored user changes afterwards. The presence array
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "UnsubscribePresence",
"sip": string,
"num": string
Stop monitoring of the presence of the object defined by sip
or num
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "UnsubscribePresenceResult"
Message sent back to confirm that the monitoring has been stopped.
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "SetPresence",
"sip": string,
"guid": string,
"contact": string,
"activity": string,
"note": string
Sets the presence for a given contact of a user, defined by the SIP URI or GUID.
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "SetPresenceResult",
"error": unsigned,
"errorText": string
Message sent back to confirm that setting the presence has been completed or failed.
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "SubscribeProfile"
Starts monitoring the first profile of the user that established the AppWebsocket connection.
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "SubscribeProfileResult",
"profile": profile
Confirmation that the monitor has been set up. Also this message contains the initial value of the first profile.
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "ProfileContactAdded",
"profile": {
"id": unsigned,
"contact": contact
This message is sent when a new favourite has been added to the first profile.
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "ProfileContactDeleted",
"profile": {
"id": unsigned,
"contact": {
"id": unsigned
This message is sent when a favourite has been deleted from the first profile.
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "UnsubscribeProfile"
Stops monitoring the users profile.
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "UnsubscribeProfileResult"
Confirmation that the monitor has been deleted.
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "AddProfile",
"name": string,
Adds a new profile with a given name.
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "DelProfile",
"id": unsigned,
Deletes a profile with a given id.
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "UpdateProfile",
"id": unsigned,
"name": string,
Changes the name of a profile identified by id.
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "AddProfileContact",
"id": unsigned,
"name": string,
"contact": {
"dn": string,
"sip": string,
"num": string
Adds a new favourite to the given profile. If the profile does not exist, it is created.
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "DelProfileContact",
"id": unsigned,
"contact": {
"id": unsigned
Deletes a favourite from the given profile.
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "UpdateProfileContact",
"id": unsigned,
"contact": contact
Updates an existing favourite.
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "GetNodeInfo"
Requests information about the node of the user that is authenticated on the underlying AppWebsocket connection.
"api": "PbxApi",
"mt": "GetNodeInfoResult",
"name": string,
"prefix_intl": string,
"prefix_ntl": string,
"prefix_subs": string,
"country_code": string
Contains information about the node of the user that is authenticated on the underlying AppWebsocket connection.
"contact": string,
"status": string,
"activity": string,
"note": string
"id": integer,
"name": string,
"contacts": [contact]
"id": integer,
"name": string,
"num": string,
"dsp": string,
"presence": boolean,
"dialog": boolean,
"ext": string