The IBM-Watson Service is a speech to text Service from IBM.
The Configuration JSON for an IBM-Watson Service looks like:
The Service requires an apikey, a location of the server, and an instance id. E.g.
- apikey: Za6NLxOewasWWF2vw8X5sCG6asgTAVt2-4AkDAuFTUIl
- location: eu-de
- instance_id: 58b0e937-e182-42cd-95ea-0cb7f9c339c0
The parameters can be retrieved from IBM after registration.
After the start the Textmedia-Interface requests an access_token via HTTP with the apikey.
The access_token is only valid for one hour. After that it has to be renewed.
With the access_token the Textmedia-Interface connects to the IBM-Watson service via a Websocket connection.