
Interface for basic file and directory operations.

File information


Classes FileSystem

Datatypes IFileRead::ORIGIN

Examples class FileSystem
class IFileWrite
class IDirectory



class FileSystem {
    static class IFileWrite * OpenWriteFile(const char * fileName, bool append, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static class IFileRead * OpenReadFile(const char * fileName, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static class IDirectory * OpenDirectory(const char * directoryName, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static class IElfBinary * OpenElfBinary(const char * bin, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static bool ReadWholeFile(const char * filename, char * readBuffer, size_t size, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static bool ReadBinaryFile(const char * filename, byte * readBuffer, size_t size, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static bool WriteWholeFile(const char * filename, const char * writeBuffer, size_t size, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static bool WriteBinaryFile(const char * filename, const byte * writeBuffer, size_t size, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static bool ScanFile(class IInstanceLog * log, const char * filename, const char * format, ...);
    static bool FileExists(const char * filename, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static time_t GetLastWriteTime(const char * filename, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static bool SetLastWriteTime(const char * filename, long64 writeTimeMs, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static off_t GetFileSize(const char * filename, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static off_t GetFileBlockSize(const char * filename, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static bool Rename(const char * oldName, const char * newName, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static bool RemoveFile(const char * filename, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static bool CreateDirectory(const char * absolutePath, int mode, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static bool RemoveDirectory(const char * directoryPath, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static bool ChangeOwner(const char * path, const char * newOwner, const char * newGroup, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static bool ChangeMode(const char * path, int mode, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static ulong64 GetFileSystemTotalSize(const char * path, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static ulong64 GetFileSystemUsedSpace(const char * path, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static bool CheckSystemUser(const char * user, const char * group, class IInstanceLog * log);
    static char * GetFileSystemUser(const char * filepath, class IInstanceLog * log);


The basic class to perform read/write and create/rename/remove operations on linux files and directories. It also offers some functions to obtain information about file/block sizes, last write time of files and system users, and some other functions to maniplulate file owners or modes.


To enable logging for File interface, the flag LOG_FILE must be set in the Manager App diagnostic settings.

Public functions

OpenWriteFile (static function)
The main function to use to open a file for write operation. An empty file is created and opened for writinf if append is false; otherwise the file is opened for the writing at the end of the file. If the file is opened successfully, an object of class IFileWrite is returned. In case of error, a null pointer is returned.


const char * fileNameThe absolute full path of the file
bool appendSpecifies whether a file is to be opened for append oor write operation
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

The IFileWrite instance created. It must be freed by the C++ operator delete, if no longer needed.

Code Example

class IFileWrite * file = FileSystem::OpenWriteFile("/path/file.txt", false, log_instance);
if(file) {
  write operation
delete file;
OpenReadFile (static function)
The main function to open an exisitng file for a read operation. On success, an object of the class IFileRead is returned which can be used to read the content of the file; otherwise a null pointer is returned.


const char * fileNameThe absolute full path of the file
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

The IFileRead instance created. It must be freed by the C++ operator delete, if no longer be used.

Code Example

class IFileRead * file = FileSystem::OpenReadFile("/path/file.txt", log_instance);
if(file) {
  read operation
delete file;
OpenDirectory (static function)
The main function to use to open a directory corresponding to directoryName. An object of class IDirectory is returned on success and a null pointer on failure.


const char * directoryNameThe absolute full name of the directory
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

The created IDirectory instance. It must be freed by the C++ operator delete, if no longer be used.

Code Example

class IDirectory * dir = FileSystem::OpenDirectory("/dir/", log_instance);
if(dir) {
  perform action
delete dir;
OpenElfBinary (static function)
The function is used to open a binary file bin. An object of class IElfBinary is returned on success and a null pointer on failure. This object can be used to get some information about an ELF (Executable and Linkable Format) binary.


const char * binThe absolute full name of the binary
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

The created IElfBinary instance. It must be freed by the C++ operator delete, if no longer be used.

Code Example

class IElfBinary * bin = FileSystem::OpenElfBinary(binary, log_instance);
if(bin) {
  perform action
delete bin;
ReadWholeFile (static function)
Opens and reads the whole file into a buffer with a defined size. The file is closed afterwards. The file must contain strings.


const char * filenameThe absolute path of the file
char * readBufferThe buffer in which the file is read to
size_t sizeThe size of the read buffer which must be big enough
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

If the read is successfull true is returned; otherwise false.
ReadBinaryFile (static function)
Opens and reads the whole file into a buffer with a defined size. The file is closed afterwards.


const char * filenameThe absolute path of the file
byte * readBufferThe buffer in which the file is read to
size_t sizeThe size of the read buffer which must be big enough
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

If the read is successfull true is returned; otherwise false.
WriteWholeFile (static function)
Opens a file with an absolute path and writes the whole content of the write buffer into the file. The file is closed afterwards.


This function just writes a NULL terminated string and the size is ignored! Thus this function is deprecated and you should use WriteBinaryFile instead!


const char * filenameThe absolute path of the file
const char * writeBufferThe buffer to be written to the file. Must be a NULL terminated string.
size_t sizeThe size of the write buffer.
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

If the write is successfull true is returned; otherwise false.

Code Example

char * buffer = malloc(BIG_ENOUGH_SIZE);
FileSystem::WriteWholeFile("/path/important_file.txt", buffer, strlen(buffer), log_instance);
WriteBinaryFile (static function)
Opens a file with an absolute path and writes the whole content of the write buffer into the file. The file is closed afterwards.


const char * filenameThe absolute path of the file
cosnt byte * writeBufferThe buffer to be written to the file
size_t sizeThe size of the write buffer.
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

If the write is successfull true is returned; otherwise false.

Code Example

byte buffer[BIG_ENOUGH_SIZE];
FileSystem::WriteBinaryFile("/path/important_file.txt", buffer, sizeof(buffer), log_instance);
ScanFile (static function)
Scans a file given as an absolute path, based on a set of characters specified in a format string.


class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.
const char * filenameThe absolute path of the file
const char * formatA string containing a set of characters that specifies how characters are extracted from the file (C string following the same specifications as in the C function scanf.)

Return value

If scanning the file is successfull, the file is closed and true is returned; otherwise false.

Code Example

long long unsigned time;
int id;
char s_string[128];
FileSystem::ScanFile(log_instance, "/path/file_to_scan", "%*32[^:]:%llu %*s %d %s", &time, &id, s_string);
FileExists (static function)
Checks if a file exists.


const char * filenameThe absolute path of the file
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

If a file exists true is returned; otherwise false.
GetLastWriteTime (static function)
Returns the time of the last write operation performed on a file specified by an absolute path.


const char * filenameThe absolute path of the file
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

On success the time in seconds is retured; otherwise -1.
SetLastWriteTime (static function)
Sets the modified and last access time of a file specified by an absolute path.


const char * filenameThe absolute path of the file
long64 writeTimeMsUTC timestamp in milliseconds
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

On success true, otherwise false.
GetFileSize (static function)
Returns the current size of the file.


const char * filenameThe absolute path of the file
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

On success the size of the file is retured; otherwise -1.
GetFileBlockSize (static function)
Returns the current block size of the file.


const char * filenameThe absolute path of the file
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

On success the block size of the file is retured; otherwise -1.
Rename (static function)
Renames a file.


const char * oldNameThe current name of the file (absolute path)
const char * newNameThe new name of the file (absolute path)
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

On success true is retured; otherwise false.

Code Example

if (FileSystem::FileExists("/path/myPbx.txt", log_instance)) {
    FileSystem::Rename("/path/myPbx.txt", "/path/myApps.txt", log_instance);
RemoveFile (static function)
Removes a file.


const char * filenameThe absolute path of the file to be removed
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

On success true is retured; otherwise false.
CreateDirectory (static function)
Creates a directory.


const char * absolutePathThe absolute path of the directory to be created
int modeThe mode to set the file permission bits
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

On success true is retured; otherwise false.

Code Example

//mode 0755 defined as rwxr-xr-x 
FileSystem::CreateDirectory("/home/new", 0755, log)
RemoveDirectory (static function)
Removes a directory. If the directory is not empty, all included directories and files are deleted as well.


const char * directoryPathThe absolute path of the directory to be removed
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

On success true is retured; otherwise false.
ChangeOwner (static function)
Changes the owner and group of the directory specified by an absolute path.


const char * pathThe absolute path of the directory
const char * newOwnerThe new owner of the directory
const char * newGroupThe new group of the directory
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

On success true is retured; otherwise false.
ChangeMode (static function)
Changes the mode of a file.


const char * pathThe absolute path of the directory to be removed
int modeThe new mode of the file
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

On success true is retured; otherwise false.

Code Example

FileSystem::ChangeMode("/directory", 0744, log);
GetFileSystemTotalSize (static function)
Returns the total size of the file system in bytes.


const char * pathThe absolute path of the directory to be removed
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

On success the size is returned in bytes; otherwise -1.

Code Example

ulong64 totalSize = FileSystem::GetFileSystemTotalSize("/mnt/sda1", log);
GetFileSystemUsedSpace (static function)
Returns the total used space of the file system in bytes.


const char * pathThe absolute path of the directory to be removed
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

On success the size is returned in bytes; otherwise -1.
CheckSystemUser (static function)
Checks if a system user and group exist.


const char * userThe system user
const char * groupThe system group
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

If the user and group are available to use, true is returned; otherwise false.
GetFileSystemUser (static function)
Returns the system user of a file.


const char * filepathThe absolute path of the file
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for loging purposes.

Return value

On success, returns the system user; otherwise 0.


class IFileWrite {
    ~IFileWrite() {};
    bool IsOpen();
    bool Write(const void * buffer, size_t len);
    void Flush();
    bool Close();


An instance of this class is created after a call to FileSystem::OpenWriteFile


To enable logging for File interface, the flag LOG_FILE must be set in the managers diagnostic settings.

Public functions

Checks if the file is opened.

Return value

Returns true if the file is opened successfully; otherwise false.
Writes the buffer with a size len into the file.


const void * bufferThe buffer to be written
size_t lenThe length of the buffer

Return value

Returns true if the write operation was successful; otherwise false.
Flush (static function)
Flushes the stream opened for writing any unwritten data
Close the file after writing is finished. After the write operation is completed, a call to Close() should be performed explicitly.

Return value

Returns true if the the file was closed successfully; otherwise false.

Code Example

bool append = false;
class IFileWrite * file = FileSystem::OpenWriteFile("file.txt", append, log);
file->Write(buffer, strlen(buffer));
delete file;


class IFileRead {
    virtual ~IFileRead() {};
    bool IsOpen();
    size_t Read(void * buffer, size_t len);
    bool Close();
    bool Seek(size_t offset, Origin origin = Origin::CURRENT);


An instance of this class is created after a call to FileSystem::OpenReadFile


To enable logging for File interface, the flag LOG_FILE must be set in the managers diagnostic settings.

Public functions

Checks if the file is opened.

Return value

Returns true if the file is opened successfully; otherwise false.
Reads the file into the buffer.


void * bufferThe buffer to read the file into
size_t lenThe length of the buffer

Return value

Returns the count of the written bytes in the buffer.
Close the file after writing is finished. After the last read operation is completed, a call to Close() should be performed explicitly.

Return value

Returns true if the the file was closed successfully; otherwise false.
Changes the read position inside of the file.


size_t offsetThe position to set starting from.
IFileRead::Origin origin(Default IFileRead::Origin::CURRENT The position to start from.

Return value

Returns true if the operation was successful; otherwise false.


class IDirectory {
    ~IDirectory() {};
    bool IsOpen() const;
    class IDirectoryEntry * ReadNext();
    bool Close();


An instance of this class is created after a call to FileSystem::OpenDirectory. The directory is opened and the first entry is ready to be read.


To enable logging for File interface, the flag LOG_FILE must be set in the managers diagnostic settings.

Public functions

Checks if the directory is opened.

Return value

Returns true if the directory is opened successfully; otherwise false.
Starts reading the first entry of the directory. This function iterates through the whole directory till end of the directory is reached or if an error occurs.

Return value

An instance of class DirectoryEntry is returned specifying whether the entry is a regular file or a directory. NULL is returned on error or if the end of directory is reached.
Closes the associated directory. A call to Close() should be done explicitly after reading is done.

Return value

Returns true if the the directory was closed successfully; otherwise false.

Code Example

class IDirectory * dir = FileSystem::OpenDirectory("/directory", log);
class IDirectoryEntry * entry;
while ((entry = dir->ReadNext())) {
    delete entry;
delete dir;


class IDirectoryEntry {
    ~IDirectoryEntry() {};
    const char * GetName() const ;
    bool IsFile() const ;


An instance of this class is created after every ReadNext() function call. After this object is no longer needed, it should be deleted.


To enable logging for File interface, the flag LOG_FILE must be set in the managers diagnostic settings.

Public functions

Reads the name of the directory entry.

Return value

Returns the name read.
Checks if the directory entry is a regular file.

Return value

Returns true if the read directory entry is a regular file or false if the entry is a directory.


class IElfBinary {
    ~IElfBinary() {};
    bool IsOpen() ;
    bool IsElfBinary() ;
    bool IsExecutable() ;
    elf_architecture_t GetArchitecture();
    bool Close();
    class IElfUserData * GetUserData(UserDataID userDataID);
    UserDataID MakeUserID(word userDefinedValue);
    size_t GetSharedLibrariesCount();
    const char * GetSharedLibrary(size_t index);


An instance of this class is created after a call to FileSystem::OpenElfBinary(). After this object is no longer needed, it should be deleted.


To enable logging for File interface, the flag LOG_FILE must be set in the managers diagnostic settings.

Public functions

Check if the binary file is opened.

Return value

Returns true if the file is successfully opened.
Checks whether the file is a valid ELF binary. The header of the binary is read the magic number is checked.

Return value

Returns true if the binary is a valid ELF binary.
Checks whether the file is an executible ELF binary.

Return value

Returns true if the binary is executable; otherwise false.
Returns the architecture of the ELF binary. The types checked are ARM, ARM64 and X86_64 only.

Return value

Returns the architecture in the enum elf_architecture_t.
Closes the binary file.

Return value

Returns true if the the directory was closed successfully; otherwise false.
Searches in the ELF binary for a user data block with the given ID and returns the object to access it.


void * bufferThe buffer to store the data to. The size of the buffer must be at least bufferLen bytes.
size_t bufferLenThe size of the given buffer.

Return value

The IElfUserData object to access the user data or nullptr, if the requested user data could not be found inside the binary.


The object returned by the function must be deleted by the app if no longer used.
Creates an ID to a user data block to be access by GetUserData(). Every ID below 0x7FFF is reserved for innovaphone internal usage. Everything from 0x7FFF (which is IElfBinary::UserDataID::USER) on can be used for you own, user defined IDs. It is recommended to define your own zero based IDs and map them by using MakeUserID.


word userDefinedValueThe value of your user ID (the IElfBinary::UserDataID::USER value not included!).

Return value

The ID for your user data added to the ELF binary as a UserDataID enum type.
Returns the count of shared libraries against which this binary is linked.

Return value

Gets the relative name of the shared library at the given index.


size_t indexThe index of the shared library name (must be within GetSharedLibrariesCount()).

Return value

Name of the shared library. The name mustn't be freed!


class IElfUserData {
    IElfUserData() {};
    virtual ~IElfUserData() {};

     IElfBinary::UserDataID ID();
     size_t DataSize();
     size_t Read(void * buffer, size_t bufferLen);
     bool Seek(size_t offset, IFileRead::Origin origin = IFileRead::Origin::CURRENT);


This interface allows the access to user data added to a binary. An instance of this interface will be created by the call to IElfBinary::GetUserData() (see IElfBinary for details).


IElfUserData uses an IFileRead instance. So the same logging rules will apply.

Public functions


Return value

Returns true if the the directory was closed successfully; otherwise false.

Return value

Returns the data size of the user data.
Read the user data to the given buffer starting from the current position in the file (which can be set by calling Seek). The amount of data read will be either the given number of bytes or the number of bytes available from the current position, if it is less then the requested byte number.


void * bufferThe buffer to store the data to. The size of the buffer must be at least bufferLen bytes.
size_t bufferLenThe size of the given buffer.

Return value

The actuall number of bytes read. Can be less than the value given to bufferLen.
Set the position of the file pointer inside the area of the user data. That means, IFileRead::Origin::BEGIN will not be the begin of the ELF binary itself, it will be the begin of the user data block. The same applies to the meaning of IFileRead::Origin::END.


size_t offsetThe number of bytes to move the current fileposition inside the user data block.
IFileRead::Origin origin(Default IFileRead::Origin::CURRENT) The position to start from.

Return value

True, if the operation was successfull, else false.



class IFileRead {
    enum Origin {


This enum defines the position from where the offset on seek operations should be applied.


STARTThe seek offset will be applied from the start of the file.
CURRENTThe seek offset will be applied from the current position of the file pointer.
ENDThe seek offset will be applied from the end of the file.


typedef enum {
} elf_architecture_t;


This enum defines the architecture of the elf binary had been compiled for. While there are a lot of different architectures are available, this enum only holds the one supported by the App Platform.


ELF_UNKOWNThe file is a valid ELF binary but the architecture the binary had been compiled for is unkown for the app platform.
ELF_ARMThe binary had been compiled for the 32bit ARM architecture.
ELF_X86_64The binary had been compiled for the 64bit x86 architecture.
ELF_ARM64The binary had been compiled for the 64bit ARM architecture.


class IElfBinary {
    enum UserDataID {
        NONE        = 0x0000,
        HTTP_FILES  = 0x0001,
        USER        = 0x7FFF


This enum is used for the user data, that can be added to an ELF binary. See IElfUserData for more information.


NONEA dummy variable used for initialization purposes only.
HTTP_FILESHTTP files bound to the binary. Handled internally by the JavaScript runtime for App Platform services written in JavaScript.
USERUser data not defined by innovaphone. Can be used for your own user data to be added to the binary. It is recommended, to define an own ID based on this value.