JSON Library

JSON is a data interchange format that can be used to transmit data objects as human readable text. The innovaphone apps use JSON for all websocket protocols. This library can be used to encode and decode JSON in C++.

File information


Classes json_io

Examples Encoding


For information about the JSON structure and semantic, please refer to the RFC8259 article.
This current article explains the concepts of the JSON library by innovaphone

This library requires you to follow a specific order when adding properties to a JSON document. The document can be visualized as a tree structure, with each level representing either an object or an array. To add properties to an object, you must first add the object to the current level of the tree. Then, add all the properties to the object before moving to the next level. It's not possible to add another property to the same level as the object until all the properties have been added to the object.

Most code explaination will be refering to this JSON Object

    "name": "John Doe", 
    "age": 30, 
    "interests": [ 
        "tv series", 
    "address": {
        "street": "123 Street",
        "city": "City of New State",
        "state": "New State"
    "email": "john.doe@aol.com"

The json_io class can be used for encoding and decoding JSON messages to or from a char buffer.

Each element has a unique numeric ID word base.
JSON_ID_ROOT represents the top level element. It can be no or a single element. Often the root is an object that holds all the other data. Normally json_io can be used as a stack variable.

A typical encoding flow looks like this:

char message[512];
json_io json(message);
word base = json.add_object(JSON_ID_ROOT, 0);
// add elements

Decoding is usually done like this:

json_io json(message);
word base = recv.get_object(JSON_ID_ROOT, 0);
// read elements

There are two different methods for traversing the JSON structure:
Inside objects the elements are referenced by their name.

// adding elements
json.add_string(base, "name", "John Doe");
// reading elements
const char * name = json.get_string(base, "name");

Inside arrays the elements are enumerated.

// adding elements
json.add_string(base, 0, "programming");
json.add_string(base, 0, "tv series");
json.add_string(base, 0, "cooking");
// reading elements
word last = 0;
do {
    const char * interest = json.get_string(base, last);
while (last != JSON_ID_NONE);

Some add functions need an additional buffer for storing the values temporarily. Those buffers are called char * & tmp in the interface. Note that the buffer pointer reference is increased when adding an element.

char temp[128];
char * t = temp;
json.add_attrib_printf(base, "name", t, "%s %s", "John", "Doe");
json.add_unsigned(base, "age", 30, t);

Chunked decoding

Sometimes JSON objects exceed the limits of json_io, so that they cannot be decoded completely in one step. In this case chuncked decoding can be used. Chunked decoding works if on some level of the JSON object a list exists, either as array or as object, which each element of this list not exceeding the limits.

Please check the JSON chunked decoding tutorial for more information.



    class json_io {

    json_io(char * buffer);

    void reset();
    bool decode();
    dword encode();
    dword encode(word handle, char * buffer);
    void write(word current, char * & p, word incomplete = 0xffff);
    void dump();

    word add(byte type, byte flags, word base, const char* name, const char* info, dword len = 0xffffffff);
    word add_object(word base, const char * name);
    word add_array(word base, const char * name);
    void add_string(word base, const char * name, const char * value, dword len=0xffffffff);
    void add_string(word base, const char * name, const word * value, dword len, char * & tmp);
    void add_string(word base, const char * name, const word * value, char * & tmp) { add_string(base, name, value, 0xffffffff, tmp); };
    void add_replace_string(word base, const char * name, const char * value, dword len=0xffffffff);
    void add_int(word base, const char * name, int c, char * & tmp);
    void add_unsigned(word base, const char * name, dword c, char * & tmp);
    void add_long64(word base, const char * name, long64 c, char * & tmp);
    void add_ulong64(word base, const char * name, ulong64 c, char * & tmp);
    void add_bool(word base, const char * name, bool value);
    void add_null(word base, const char * name);
    void add_double(word base, const char * name, double c, char *& tmp, byte decimalPlaces = 6);

    void add_printf(word base, const char * name, char * & tmp, const char * format, ...);
    void add_printfv(word base, const char * name, char * & tmp, const char * format, va_list ap);
    void add_hexstring(word base, const char * name, const byte * hex, word hex_len, char * & tmp);
    void add_json(word base, const char * name, const char * value, dword len=0xffffffff);

    char* get_buffer()
    void set_buffer(char* buffer)

    word get_object(word base, const char * name);
    word get_object(word base, word & last);
    word get_array(word base, const char * name);
    word get_array(word base, word & last);
    const char * get_string(word base, const char * name, bool * present=0);
    const char * get_string(word base, word & last, bool * present=0);
    int get_int(word base, const char * name, bool * present=0);
    int get_int(word base, word & last, bool * present=0);
    dword get_unsigned(word base, const char * name, bool * present=0);
    dword get_unsigned(word base, word & last, bool * present=0);
    long64 get_long64(word base, const char * name, bool * present = 0);
    long64 get_long64(word base, word & last, bool * present = 0);
    ulong64 get_ulong64(word base, const char * name, bool * present = 0);
    ulong64 get_ulong64(word base, word & last, bool * present = 0);
    bool get_bool(word base, const char * name, bool * present=0);
    bool get_bool(word base, word & last, bool * present=0);
    bool get_bool_int(word base, const char * name, int & iret, byte * present=0);
    double get_double(word base, const char * name, bool * present = 0);
    double get_double(word base, word & last, bool * present = 0);

    byte get_flags(word handle);
    word get_next(word base, word last, byte & type, byte & flags, const char * & name, const char * & info);
    word get_index();
    const char * get_name(word handle);
    const char * get_info(word handle);
    word get_count(word handle);
    const char* get_value(word base, byte flags, const char* name, bool * present=0);
    const char* get_value(word base, byte flags, word& last, bool * present=0);

    void trace(class debug_printf * dbg, word base, word level = 0);
    word to_url(word base, char * b, word l, const char * prefix = 0, bool cont = false);

    char * last;
    char * name_last;
    char * incomplete;
    unsigned max_item;


Public functions

Initializes the json_io structure.


char * bufferThe buffer for the message.


The buffer is mandatory for decoding. For encoding it is optional but if it's null a buffer must be passed to the encode function. Make sure it is big enough to contain the whole message. Note that the buffer will be modified for both encoding and decoding.
Resets the internal state of the json_io structure. All added or parsed elements will be cleared from the internal state.
Decodes the buffer overloaded to the constructor, as JSON.

Return value

bool1 if decoding was successful, 0 if not
Encodes the data structure into a null-terminated JSON string and writes it to the buffer specified with the constructor.

Return value

dwordThe size of the encoded message.
encode (overloaded)
Encodes a subtree of the data structure into a null-terminated JSON string and writes it to the specified buffer.


word handleThe ID of the root element of the subtree.
char * bufferThe buffer for the message.

Return value

dwordThe size of the encoded message.
This function is used internally but it can also be used to encode the data structure to a JSON string in several chunks.


word currentThe ID of the start element. Use 0 for complete data.
char *& pThe output buffer.
word incomplete The incomplete argument can be used to write only the incomplete data so that new received data can be appended to the buffer an decoding started again. The incomplete argument should be the handle of the descriptor of the array, with potential incomplete elements.
This function can be used to print the JSON string in a preset format:

base=<unique numeric identifier, pointer to base address>

count=<length of property value>

flags=<flags of elements>

base=65535 count=11 flags=0 OBJECT=(NULL)/(NULL)
base=0 count=8 flags=1 VALUE=name/John Doe
base=0 count=2 flags=0 VALUE=age/30
base=0 count=3 flags=0 ARRAY=interests/(NULL)
base=3 count=11 flags=1 VALUE=(NULL)/programming
base=3 count=9 flags=1 VALUE=(NULL)/tv series
base=3 count=7 flags=1 VALUE=(NULL)/cooking
base=0 count=3 flags=0 OBJECT=address/(NULL)
base=7 count=10 flags=1 VALUE=street/123 Street
base=7 count=17 flags=1 VALUE=city/City of New State
base=7 count=9 flags=1 VALUE=state/New State
base=0 count=16 flags=1 VALUE=email/john.doe@aol.com

The function creates a new JSON element based on the provided parameters and adds it to the JSON structure under the specified base.


byte typeThe type of JSON element to be added
wordflagsAdditional flags that can be used to modify the behavior of the added element, such as JSON_FLAG_QUOTED, which indicates that the value should be quoted.
wordbaseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the new element should be added.
const char*nameThe name of the JSON element to be added. This is applicable for objects and values.
const char*info (optional)The length of the info parameter, if applicable. If not provided, the default value is 0xffffffff.

Return value

word The ID of the added object, representing the reference to the newly added JSON element in the structure. Can be used to add elements to the object.


If the object shall be added to root level, use JSON_ID_ROOT as the base.
Adds an object to the structure.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the new element should be added.
const char * nameThe name of the object. Only used when the object is inside another object. Set to 0 otherwise.

Return value

word The ID of the added object. Can be used to add elements to the object.


If the object shall be added to root level, use JSON_ID_ROOT as the base.
Adds an array to the structure.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the new element should be added.
const char * nameThe name of the array. Only used when the array is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.

Return value

word The ID of the added array. Can be used to add elements to the array.


If the array shall be added to root level, use JSON_ID_ROOT as the base.
add_string (overloaded)
Adds an UTF-8 string to the structure.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the new element should be added.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.
const char * valueThe value of the element. If value is 0 the element is not added.
dword lenThe number of bytes in the value buffer. Only needed if value is not null-terminated.
add_string (overloaded)
Adds a string with 16-bit character representation to the structure.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the new element should be added.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.
const word * valueThe value of the element. If value is 0 the element is not added.
dword lenThe number of bytes in the value buffer. Only needed if value is not null-terminated.
Adds or replaces an existing UTF-8 string inside an object.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the new element should be added.
const char * nameThe name of the element (mandatory).
const char * valueThe value of the element.
dword lenThe number of bytes in the value buffer. Only needed if value is not null-terminated.


The function is only implemented for strings inside objects.
Adds a 32-bit signed integer to the structure.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the new element should be added.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.
int cThe value of the element.
char * & tmpThe temporary buffer to store the value until it's encoded.
Adds a 32-bit unsigned integer to the structure.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the new element should be added.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.
unsigned cThe value of the element.
char * & tmpThe temporary buffer to store the value until it's encoded.
Adds a 64-bit signed integer to the structure.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the new element should be added.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.
long64 cThe value of the element.
char * & tmpThe temporary buffer to store the value until it's encoded.
Adds an 64-bit unsigned integer to the structure.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the new element should be added.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.
ulong64 cThe value of the element.
char * & tmpThe temporary buffer to store the value until it's encoded.
Adds a boolean to the structure.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the new element should be added.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.
bool valueThe value of the element.
Adds a null value to the structure.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the new element should be added.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.
Adds a double value to the structure.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the new element should be added.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.
double cThe value of the element.
char * & tmpThe temporary buffer to store the value until it's encoded.
byte decimalPlaces = 6The decimal places after the period.
Does an sprintf to a temporary buffer and adds the resulting string to the structure.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the new element should be added.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.
char * & tmpThe temporary buffer to store the value until it's encoded.
const char * formatA standard sprintf format string.
...Additional parameters to be used by sprintf as defined in the format string.
Does an sprintf to a temporary buffer and adds the resulting string to the structure. Uses va_list datatype for passing the arguments.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the new element should be added.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.
char * & tmpThe temporary buffer to store the value until it's encoded.
const char * formatA standard sprintf format string.
va_list apAdditional parameters declared as va_list to be used by sprintf as defined in the format string.
Converts a binary buffer to a hex string and adds it to the structure, encoded as a JSON string.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the new element should be added.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.
const byte * hexArbitrary binary data.
word hex_lenThe number of bytes in the hex buffer.
char * & tmpThe temporary buffer to store the value until it's encoded.
Adds a raw JSON string to the structure. The string must have valid encoding. It will not be escaped by the library.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the new element should be added.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.
const char * valueThe JSON string to be added.
dword lenThe number of bytes in value. Only needed if value is not null-terminated.
get_object (overloaded)
Gets an object by name.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.

Return value

wordThe ID of the object or JSON_ID_NONE if it's not found.
get_object (overloaded)
Gets the next object from an array.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
word & lastA word reference that must have the value 0 for the first call. The value will be updated by the function call for each subsequent call. If the value is JSON_ID_NONE the end of the array is reached.

Return value

wordThe ID of the object or JSON_ID_NONE if there are no more objects in the array.
get_array (overloaded)
Gets an array by name.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.

Return value

wordThe ID of the array or JSON_ID_NONE if it's not found.
get_array (overloaded)
Gets the next array from an array.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
word & lastA word reference that must have the value 0 for the first call. The value will be updated by the function call for each subsequent call. If the value is JSON_ID_NONE the end of the array is reached.

Return value

wordThe ID of the array or JSON_ID_NONE if there are no more objects in the array.
get_string (overloaded)
Gets a string by name.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.

Return value

const char *The value of the string or 0 if it's not found.
get_string (overloaded)
Gets the next string from an array.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
word & lastA word reference that must have the value 0 for the first call. The value will be updated by the function call for each subsequent call. If the value is JSON_ID_NONE the end of the array is reached.

Return value

const char *The value of the string or 0 if there are no more objects in the array.
get_int (overloaded)
Gets a 32-bit signed integer by name.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.
bool * presentIf specified, the value will be set to true if the element existed. false otherwise.

Return value

intThe value of the element or 0 if it's not found.
get_int (overloaded)
Gets the next 32-bit signed integer from an array.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
word & lastA word reference that must have the value 0 for the first call. The value will be updated by the function call for each subsequent call. If the value is JSON_ID_NONE the end of the array is reached.
bool * presentIf specified, the value will be set to true if the element existed. false otherwise.

Return value

intThe value of the element or 0 if there are no more objects in the array.
get_unsigned (overloaded)
Gets a 32-bit unsigned integer by name.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.
bool * presentIf specified, the value will be set to true if the element existed. false otherwise.

Return value

dwordThe value of the element or 0 if it's not found.
get_unsigned (overloaded)
Gets the next 32-bit unsigned integer from an array.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
word & lastA word reference that must have the value 0 for the first call. The value will be updated by the function call for each subsequent call. If the value is JSON_ID_NONE the end of the array is reached.
bool * presentIf specified, the value will be set to true if the element existed. false otherwise.

Return value

dwordThe value of the element or 0 if there are no more objects in the array.
get_long64 (overloaded)
Gets a 64-bit signed integer by name.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.
bool * presentIf specified, the value will be set to true if the element existed. false otherwise.

Return value

long64The value of the element or 0 if it's not found.
get_long64 (overloaded)
Gets the next 64-bit signed integer from an array.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
word & lastA word reference that must have the value 0 for the first call. The value will be updated by the function call for each subsequent call. If the value is JSON_ID_NONE the end of the array is reached.
bool * presentIf specified, the value will be set to true if the element existed. false otherwise.

Return value

long64The value of the element or 0 if there are no more objects in the array.
get_ulong64 (overloaded)
Gets a 64-bit unsigned integer by name.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.
bool * presentIf specified, the value will be set to true if the element existed. false otherwise.

Return value

ulong64The value of the element or 0 if it's not found.
get_ulong64 (overloaded)
Gets the next 64-bit unsigned integer from an array.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
word & lastA word reference that must have the value 0 for the first call. The value will be updated by the function call for each subsequent call. If the value is JSON_ID_NONE the end of the array is reached.
bool * presentIf specified, the value will be set to true if the element existed. false otherwise.

Return value

ulong64The value of the element or 0 if there are no more objects in the array.
get_bool (overloaded)
Gets a boolean by name.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.
bool * presentIf specified, the value will be set to true if the element existed. false otherwise.

Return value

boolThe value of the element or false if it's not found.
get_bool (overloaded)
Gets the next boolean from an array.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
word & lastA word reference that must have the value 0 for the first call. The value will be updated by the function call for each subsequent call. If the value is JSON_ID_NONE the end of the array is reached.
bool * presentIf specified, the value will be set to true if the element existed. false otherwise.

Return value

boolThe value of the element or false if there are no more objects in the array.
get_bool_int (overloaded)
Gets a boolean or integer by name.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.
int & iretReturns the integer value
bool * presentIf specified, the value will be set to 1 if the element existed and is bool, 2 if the value existed and is integer. Set to 0 otherwise

Return value

boolThe value of the element or false if it's not found.
get_double (overloaded)
Gets a double value by name.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
const char * nameThe name of the element. Only used when it's is inside an object. Set to 0 otherwise.
bool * presentIf specified, the value will be set to true if the element existed. false otherwise.

Return value

doubleThe value of the element or 0 if it's not found.
get_double (overloaded)
Gets the next double value from an array.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
word & lastA word reference that must have the value 0 for the first call. The value will be updated by the function call for each subsequent call. If the value is JSON_ID_NONE the end of the array is reached.
bool * presentIf specified, the value will be set to true if the element existed. false otherwise.

Return value

doubleThe value of the element or 0 if there are no more objects in the array.
get_flags (overloaded)
Gets the flags of an given element


word handleThe ID of the element.

Return value

double The flags. The only relevant flag is JSON_FLAG_INCOMPLETE. It indicates that the element using chunked decoding is not yet complete and should not be processed.
Helper function to encode the structure not as JSON but as URL arguments.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
char * bThe output buffer.
word lThe size of the output buffer.
const char * prefixPrefix to be used for the single elements. For elements nested within arrays or objects another prefix of the name of the array/object is added. The prefixes are sepearted by '.'
bool conttrue indicates that the arguments are to be added to other arguments. This means a '&' is put at the beginning

Return value

wordThe number of bytes that have been written to the output buffer.
Gets the total number of variables in the object, including the root element.

Return value

wordThe total number of variables.
Gets the string value of the passed argument.


word handleTypically represents the key of the JSON-property and serves as a unique identifier for the corresponding structure or substructure.

Return value

const char*The key name.
Gets the value from the JSON key-value pair.


word handleTypically represents the key of the JSON-property and serves as a unique identifier for the corresponding structure or substructure.

Return value

const char*The value of the corresponding key in a JSON key-value pair, if value is nonexistent NULL is returned
Gets the length of info.

Return value

wordThe count of info.
Gets the next JSON element


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy where the element should be searched.
word lastA word reference that must have the value 0 for the first call. The value will be updated by the function call for each subsequent call. If the value is JSON_ID_NONE the end of the array is reached.
byte& typeThe expected type of the next element. If the type of upcoming element does not match, that element will be ignored.
byte& flagsA flag indicating the expected data type of the value to be extracted (e.g., 0x01 for a string value).
const char* namePointer to buffer, in which the next elements name(key) will be saved.
const char* infoPointer to buffer, in which the next elements string info will be saved.

Return value

wordThe id of the next JSON element.
The function searches the JSON string for a value that matches the specified flags and position in the hierarchy. If found, it returns a pointer to a constant character array representing the extracted value.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy from where the search for the value should begin.
byte& flagsA flag indicating the expected data type of the value to be extracted (e.g., 0x01 for a string value).
const char* nameThe function searches the JSON string for a value that matches the specified name and flags, and is present within the object hierarchy starting from the given base.
bool* (optional) name A pointer to a boolean variable that can be used to store whether the value was found in the JSON string or not.

Return value

const char*If found, it returns a pointer to a constant character array representing the extracted value.
The function searches the JSON string for a value that matches the specified flags and position in the hierarchy. If found, it returns a pointer to a constant character array representing the extracted value.


word baseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy from where the search for the value should begin.
byte& flagsA flag indicating the expected data type of the value to be extracted (e.g., 0x01 for a string value).
word lastA word reference that must have the value 0 for the first call. The value will be updated by the function call for each subsequent call. If the value is JSON_ID_NONE the end of the array is reached.
bool* (optional) name A pointer to a boolean variable that can be used to store whether the value was found in the JSON string or not.

Return value

const char*If found, it returns a pointer to a constant character array representing the extracted value.
Gets the buffer of the current JSON object.

Return value

char*The buffer of the object.
Sets the buffer of the current JSON object.


char* bufferThe buffer to be set.
Prints the base JSON object in the self implemented form inside iprintf function.


class debug_printf *dbgA pointer to the object of the class debug_printf in which the iprintf function should be implemented
wordbaseA reference point in the JSON object hierarchy.
word level (optional)A word reference that sets the verbose level of the trace.


char *last
A pointer to the last character encountered during JSON parsing or processing.
char *name_last
A pointer to the last character of the name of a JSON object or value.
char *incomplete
A pointer to an incomplete JSON element (e.g., an object or array) that is still open and waiting for further elements or values, reference to JSON_FLAG_INCOMPLETE.
unsigend max_item
The maximum number of items, reference to JSON_MAX_ITEM.

Data types


JSON_MAX_ITEMRepresents the maximum number of items.
JSON_TYPE_OBJECTRepresents a JSON object.
JSON_TYPE_ARRAYRepresents a JSON array.
JSON_TYPE_VALUERepresents a JSON value.
JSON_TYPE_CONTENT_PACKETRepresents a content packet in the JSON structure.custom data type that might be used by specific applications or libraries to store additional information or metadata related to the JSON structure.
JSON_TYPE_ANYRepresents any JSON element type.
JSON_FLAG_QUOTEDThis flag indicates that a JSON value should be treated as a quoted string..
JSON_FLAG_INCOMPLETEThis flag indicates that a JSON element, such as an object or an array, is not yet complete and may have more elements or values added to it in the future.
JSON_FLAG_COMPLETEThis flag indicates that a JSON element, such as an object or an array, is complete and no more elements or values will be added to it.
JSON_ID_ROOTRepresents the top-level element.
JSON_ID_NONEUsed if an element is not found.

Code Examples

The following examples demonstrate the library on the following JSON structure.

    "name": "John Doe", 
    "age": 30, 
    "interests": [ 
        "tv series", 
    "address": {
        "street": "123 Street",
        "city": "City of New State",
        "state": "New State"
    "email": "john.doe@aol.com"


char message[512];
char temp[64];
json_io json(message);
char* t = temp;
word base = json.add_object(JSON_ID_ROOT, 0);
json.add_string(base, "name", "John Doe");
json.add_unsigned(base, "age", 30, t);

word interests = json.add_array(base, "interests");
json.add_string(interests, nullptr, "programming");
json.add_string(interests, nullptr, "tv series");
json.add_string(interests, nullptr, "cooking");
word address = json.add_object(base, "address");
json.add_string(address, "street", "123 Street");
json.add_string(address, "city", "City of New State");
json.add_string(address, "state", "New State");

json.add_string(base, "email", "john.doe@aol.com");

json.add_string(interests, nullptr, "fishing"); // this will have no effect, cause "interests" handle is not valid any more



json_io json(message);

word base = json.get_object(JSON_ID_ROOT, 0);
const char* name = json.get_string(base, "name");
dword age = json.get_unsigned(base, "age");

const char* interest_values[4];
word interest_count = 0;
word interests = json.get_array(base, "interests");
word last = 0;

while (last != JSON_ID_NONE && interest_count < 4) {
    const char* value = json.get_string(interests, last);
    if (value) {
        interest_values[interest_count++] = value;

word address = json.get_object(base, "address");
const char* street = json.get_string(address, "street");
const char* city = json.get_string(address, "city");
const char* state = json.get_string(address, "state");

const char* email = json.get_string(base, "email");