com.innovaphone.working (App API)

This API is used for communication with the Working App.

API model

Service info

The API doesn't define any service info.

Provider model

The API doesn't define a provider model.

API messages

All messages are JSON objects that have a mandatory attribute "mt" that specifies the message type. The provider will echo the "src" attribute from requests in the corresponding responses.


It starts the working clock if the logged in user has not started it yet.
Example: { mt: "StartWorking" }
It stops the working clock if the logged in user has not stopped it yet.
Example: { mt: "StopWorking" }


It starts the working clock if the logged in user has not started it yet.
Example: { mt: "StartWorkingResult" }
It stops the working clock if the logged in user has not stopped it yet.
Example: { mt: "StopWorkingResult" }


workingApi = start.consumeApi("com.innovaphone.working");
workingApi.send({ mt: "StartWorking" });