
The Database interface is an abstraction of different database libraries to allow acces do different databases (PostgreSQL and MySQL are supported). The interface only allows easy access to the underlying database system, which will be enough in most cases. However, nearly everything you can do with the SQL features supported by the database engine, you can do with IDatabase. IDatabase won't translate the non-standard SQL syntax from one database engine to an other. So while they can (and maybe have to be) used, changing the underlying database engine will probably fail.

NOTE: The SQL engine used and provided by the AppPlatform is PostgreSQL. There is no mySQL server running on the AppPlatform. But because there are a lot of servers in the world wide web (or elsewhere) running MySQL, it is supported by the AppPlatform SDK, too. For AppPlatform app developtment, normaly only PostgreSQL knowledge is needed.

File information


Public functions CreatePostgreSQLDatabaseProvider

Classes IDatabaseProvider


Examples Code Example

Public functions

Functions to initialize

extern IDatabaseProvider * CreatePostgreSQLDatabaseProvider();
extern IDatabaseProvider * CreateMySQLDatabaseProvider();

This functions will be used to create a database provider, wich will return an instance to an IDatabase instance for the database engine to use. Note that the returned instance must be deleted, if no longer needed.


Return value

Returns a IDatabaseProvider which creates an IDatabase instance using the PostgreSQL database driver.

Return value

Returns a IDatabaseProvider which creates an IDatabase instance using the MySQL database driver.


Because the official MySQL library doesn't support asynchronous communication, the driver itself will run in a seperate task to support nonblocking database operations.

Helper functions

inline const char * DBErrorToStr(db_error_t err);
Converts the given databas_error_t value to a human readable format. The result will be just a string of the name of the enum itself. To get a real error message, call IDatabase::GetLastErrorMessage() instead.


db_error_t errThe error to convert to a string.

Return value

The name of the error enum as a string.



class IDatabaseProvider {
    virtual ~IDatabaseProvider() {}
    virtual class IDatabase * CreateDatabase(class IIoMux * const iomux, class UDatabase * const user, class IInstanceLog * log) = 0;

A database provider is needed to create an IDatabase instance. What kind of database driver used by the returned instance is defined by the type of IDatabaseProvider itself. The IDatabase instance returned by an IDatabaseProvider must be deleted, if no longer used.

Public functions

Creates the IDatabase instance.


class IIoMux * const iomuxThe IIoMux instance of the app.
class UDatabase * const userThe UDatabase instance to receive the callbacks.
class IInstanceLog * logThe IInstanceLog instance used for logging purposes. The flag LOG_DATABASE must be set to enable IDatabase logging.

Return Value

The create IDatabase intsance, that must be deleted if no longer used.


class IDatabase {
    virtual ~IDatabase() {}
    virtual void Connect(const char * address, const char * dbname, const char * user, const char * password);
    virtual bool Connected();
    virtual void Shutdown();
    virtual void ExecSQL(UDatabase * const user, dword flags, const char * sqlcmd, ...);
    virtual void ExecSQLV(UDatabase * const user, dword flags, const char * sqlcmd, va_list argList);
    virtual void InsertSQL(UDatabase * const user, const char * sqlcmd, ...);
    virtual void InsertSQLV(UDatabase * const user, const char * sqlcmd, va_list argList);
    virtual void BeginTransaction(UDatabase * const user, const char * lockTableCmd = nullptr);
    virtual void EndTransaction(UDatabase * const user, bool doRollback = false);
    virtual void PrepareStatement(UDatabase * user, const char * sqlcmd);
    virtual void ExecSQL(UDatabase * const user, dword flags, class IPreparedStatement * const statement);
    virtual void InsertSQL(UDatabase * const user, class IPreparedStatement * const statement);
    virtual size_t EscapeSearchLiterals(const char * value, char * buffer, size_t bufferSize);
    virtual const char * GetLastErrorMessage();
    virtual const char * GetLastErrorCode();
    static size_t QueryPrint(char * buffer, size_t bufferSize, const char * sqlcmd, ...);
    static size_t QueryPrintV(char * buffer, size_t bufferSize, const char * sqlcmd, va_list argList);
    static size_t QueryPrint(class IInstanceLog * log, char * buffer, size_t bufferSize, const char * sqlcmd, ...);
    static size_t QueryPrintV(class IInstanceLog * log, char * buffer, size_t bufferSize, const char * sqlcmd, va_list argList);

This is the main calss that handels the communication between the Application and the database server. The interface is primarly for executing queries while the results of that queries need to be handled by an UDatabase instance. Each queries posted will be add to an internal queue and processed with the fifo priciple. Queries posted during a call of BeginTransaction() and EndTransaction() will be part of that transaction. Nested transactions are not allowed.

When sending SQL queries, a user can be given to override the default user set with IDatabaseProvider::CreateDatabase(). If an other user than the default one is given to IDatabase::BeginTransaction(), all queries posted of that user will be prioritized because of that transaction. So queries posted from other users (or with no special user to use the default one) will be placed at the end of the queue, until the user who opens the tansaction closes it (IDatabase::EndTransaction()). This shows also a limitation at this point: if multiple UDatabase instances as users are needed for one transaction (e. G. by starting a transaction to update a set of data from different sources), it won't work as long as there is some kind of "master" user the other ones. Gladly there is a solution. For that case, DatabaseSwitch can be used.

Using multiple users will also raise the question, how error handling worlks. Actually that depends on the error and how that error will influence the internal state of IDatabase:

Public functions

Establishes a connection to the database server.


const char * addressThe address to the database server. Can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address, an URI or nullptr to connecto to the local server using much faster unix domain sockets (recommended for connecting to the PostgreSQL server on the AppPlatform).
const char * dbnameThe name of the database to connect to.
const char * userThe user to use for the connection.
const char * dbnameThe password for that user.


If the connection had been established, UDatabase::DatabaseConnectComplete() will be called. If an error leads to an UDatabase::DatabaseShutdown() callback with an error code to indicate what was going wrong.

Return value

Return true, if IDatabase is connected to the server, else false.


After calling IDatabase::Shutdown(), Connected() will return false even if the connection to the server still exists. So Connected() cannot be used for celanup or shutdown checks, instead handle them inside the UDatabase::DatabaseShutdown() callback.
Closes the database connection. If there are pending queries inside the queue, those will be handled first before the connection actually will be closed.


After the connection had been closed, UDatabase::DatabaseShutdown() will be called.
ExecSQL (overloaded)
Executes the given SQL command. SQL query given can contain place holders to put variable values inside the queries (see IDataBase::QueryPrint() for more details). Also by using that placeholders, the values (especially strings) will be used in a way to prevent SQL interjection. The function internally calls IDatabase::QueryPrint(), so preparing the query first and passing it to ExecSQL() actually will be a bad idea performance wise. However, in some cases QueryPrint() is still a nice helper to prepare various queries for later use.

Note: for the placeholders and datatypes supported, look to the QueryPrint description.


UDatabase * const userThe user to callback with the result of the SQL execution (or nullptr, to call the default user).
dword flagsAdditional flags. Can be 0 or DB_EXEC_FETCH_ALL is supported to get all results at once (see IDataSet for details).
const char * sqlcmdThe SQL command string to process. Can contain placeholders.
... ...Additional values for the placeholders. Must be the same order and datatypes as the placeholders defines them.


On success, UDatabase::DatabaseExecSQLResult() will be called, or UDatabase::DatabaseError(), if an error occures.


Note that there is a limit of a maximum length for SQL commands of 250*1024-1 (255999) characters. This is the size for the finaly SQL query string, after parsing all placeholders and inserting the values for them at the prorpriate place.
ExecSQL (overloaded)
Executes the given prepared statement. See IPreparedStatement to learn more about how to create and use them.


UDatabase * const userThe user to callback with the result of the SQL execution (or nullptr, to call the default user).
dword flagsAdditional flags. Can be 0 or DB_EXEC_FETCH_ALL is supported to get all results at once (see IDataSet for details).
IPreparedStatement * const preparedStatementThe prepared statement to execute.


On success, UDatabase::DatabaseExecSQLResult() will be called, or UDatabase::DatabaseError(), if an error occures.
Same as IDatabase::ExecSQL(), so that instead of a variable list of parameters for the placeholders, a pointer to the start of the variable list must be given. For more information about the function see the describtion of IDatabase::ExecSQL() above.


UDatabase * const userThe user to callback with the result of the SQL execution (or nullptr, to call the default user).
dword flagsAdditional flags. Can be 0 or DB_EXEC_FETCH_ALL is supported to get all results at once (see IDataSet for details).
const char * sqlcmdThe SQL command string to process. Can contain placeholders.
va_list argListPointer to the start of the variable parameters.


On success, UDatabase::DatabaseExecSQLResult() will be called, or UDatabase::DatabaseError(), if an error occures.


Note that there is a limit of a maximum length for SQL commands of 250*1024-1 (255999) characters. This is the size for the finaly SQL query string, after parsing all placeholders and inserting the values for them at the prorpriate place.
InsertSQL (overloaded)
Executes a query as a query to insert data. The difference in compartion to IDatabase::ExecSQL() is, that UDatabase::DatabaseInserSQLResult() will be called after execution, holding the ID of the new insert dataset. The rules for the sqlcmd and the placeholder are the same as for IDatabase::ExecSQL() and IDatabse::QueryPrint() (see IDatabse::QueryPrint() for more details). So look to the IDatabase::QueryPrint() description for more details. Like IDatabase::ExecSQL(), InsertSQL() calls IDatabase::QueryPrint() internally to pepare the given SQL command.


UDatabase * const userThe user to callback with the result of the SQL execution (or nullptr, to call the default user).
const char * sqlcmdThe SQL command string to process. Can contain placeholders.
... ...Additional values for the placeholders. Must be the same order and datatypes as the placeholders defines them.


On success, UDatabase::DatabaseInserSQLResult() will be called, or UDatabase::DatabaseError(), if an error occures.


Note that there is a limit of a maximum length for SQL commands of 250*1024-1 (255999) characters. This is the size for the finaly SQL query string, after parsing all placeholders and inserting the values for them at the prorpriate place.
To make it work, it is necessary that the data base table you're going to address with an InsertSQL() call, has a field named id, wich must be an 64bit, autoincrement primary key field. Read the PostgreSQL or MySQL documentation to know how to create such a field. For PostgreSQL there is no need to add the 'RETURNING id' part to the query, because it will be added by the InsertSQL() function.
InsertSQL (overloaded)
Executes the given prepared statement to insert data. See IPreparedStatement to learn more about how to create and use them. The difference in compartion to IDatabase::ExecSQL() is, that UDatabase::DatabaseInserSQLResult() will be called after execution, holding the ID of the new insert dataset.


UDatabase * const userThe user to callback with the result of the SQL execution (or nullptr, to call the default user).
const char * sqlcmdThe SQL command string to process. Can contain placeholders.
IPreparedStatement * const preparedStatementThe prepared statement to execute.


On success, UDatabase::DatabaseInserSQLResult() will be called, or UDatabase::DatabaseError(), if an error occures.


To make it work, it is necessary that the data base table you're going to address with an InsertSQL() call, has a field named id, wich must be an 64bit, autoincrement primary key field. Read the PostgreSQL or MySQL documentation to know how to create such a field. For PostgreSQL, the 'RETURNING id' part must be added to the query when creating the prepared statement via IDatabase::PrepareQuery.
Same as IDatabase::InsertSQL(), so that instead of a variable list of parameters for the placeholders, a pointer to the start of the variable list must be given. For more information about the function see the describtion of IDatabase::InsertSQL() above.


UDatabase * const userThe user to callback with the result of the SQL execution (or nullptr, to call the default user).
const char * sqlcmdThe SQL command string to process. Can contain placeholders.
va_list argListPointer to the start of the variable parameters.


On success, UDatabase::DatabaseInserSQLResult() will be called, or UDatabase::DatabaseError(), if an error occures.


Note that there is a limit of a maximum length for SQL commands of 250*1024-1 (255999) characters. This is the size for the finaly SQL query string, after parsing all placeholders and inserting the values for them at the prorpriate place.

To make it work, it is necessary that the data base table you're going to address with an InsertSQL() call, has a field named id, wich must be an 64bit, autoincrement primary key field. Read the PostgreSQL or MySQL documentation to know how to create such a field.
Will start a transaction block. After calling this function, all SQL queries posted by other users than the one who was given to BeginTransaction() will be put to the and of the list (including other BeginTransaction() calls). So it is guaranteed that only the SQL queries from the user who started the transaction will also be part of it. If nescesarry, an additional SQL command for locking a table can be given. More information about that can be found in the documentation of PostgreSQL or MySQL. A transaction can be closed by calling IDatabase::EndTransaction(). it must be given to lockTableCmd. Note: Never send a lock command with a normal ExecSQL, or the lock will not been canceld if an error occures. BeginTransaction() will call LockQueue() to group the commands. On success, UDatabase::ExecSQLResult() will be called.


UDatabase * const userThe user to callback with the result after starting the transaction.
const char * lockTableCmd(Default: nullptr) An additional SQL command to lock tables or nullptr, if no additional command should be send.


After starting the transaction, UDatabase::DatabaseBeginTransactionResult() will be called.


If a table must be locked, only do that with IDatabase::BeginTransaction(). Never send a lock command directly using IDatabase::ExecSQL(), or the table won't be unlocked automatically! If there are other commands in the queue, they will be processed before. So UDatabase::DatabaseBeginTransactionResult() really will be called after the transaction is active. So that callback will be the best place to send SQL commands for that transaction.
Will end a transaction. If needed, each change made during the active transaction can be rolled back when the flag is set to do so. Note that on an internal error of IDatabase (e. g. some SQL command posted has a syntax error), the transaction automatically will be rolled back and closed. So there is no need to call EndTransaction() in case of a database related error. If a table had been lock by IDatabase::BeginTransaction(), that table will be unlocked.


UDatabase * const userThe user to close the transaction for. Must be the same as given to IDatabase::BeginTransaction().
bool roolBack(Default: false) If true, IDatabase will rollback each changed made since the call of IDatabase::BeginTransaction().


After ending the transaction, UDatabase::DatabaseEndTransactionResult() will be called.
Escapes search literals used in LIKE queries so that they are not interpreted as search pattern by the database (e.g. 'Search%' will be 'Search\%' afterwards). In PostgreSQL and MySQL, the patterns '%' and '_' are escaped. So those will be interpreted as characters. If you whant to call IDatabase::ExecSQL() or IDatabase::InsertSQL() using a query string, it will be better to use the %e placeholder, which does the same. However, EscapeSeaerchLiterals() will come in handy when using a string as as value for prepared statements.


const char * valueThe string the holds (or can hold) search literals to escape.
const char * bufferThe buffer to store the escaped string to.
size_t bufferSizeThe size of the buffer to store the data to.


The buffer given must be big enough to hold the result. So to be on the safe side, it should be able to hold strlen(value) * 2 + 1 bytes.
Creates a prepared statement for the given SQL query. See IPreparedStatement for details.


UDatabase * const userThe user to receive the prepared statement (or nullptr to use the default user).
const char * sqlcmdThe SQL command to create the prepared statment for.


After creating the prepares tatement, UDatabase::DatabasePrepareStatementResult() will be called. The IPraparedStatement instance given to that callback must be deleted if no longer needed. In case of an error, the IDatabase will call UDatabase::DatabaseError().


For PostgreSQL, if the created perpared statement is an INSERT statement and so will be passed to IDatabase::InsertSQL(), the "RETURNING id" statement must be added to the query.

The value for LIMIT and OFFSET clauses for prepared statements in PostgreSQL must be defined as a 64-bit value. Recommended usage in the prepared statement SQL command is "LIMIT %llu::BIGINT".


Return value

Returns the error message of the last error occurred.


GetLastErrorMessage() helps to log the error or to see what acutally was wrong. UDatabase::DatabaseError() will be a good place to call the message. Don't save the pointer returned. Instead, of the error message should be stored for later use, you must make a copy of it.

Return value

Returns the error code returned by the database server. Note that this value is a string, not a nummeric value.


UDatabase::DatabaseError() will be a good place to call the message. Don't save the pointer returned. Instead, of the error message should be stored for later use, you must make a copy of it.
QueryPrint (overloaded)
Used to build up a query string. The query will be stored inside buffer with a maximum of bufferSize. The SQL command itself has to be passed in sqlcmd. That string could have placeholders, which will be replaced with the values of the data given in a variable parameters list after sqlcmd. The used placeholder must combine with the data given. Also (depending on the placeholder) some critical characters will be escaped. Using QueryPrint is an elegant way to dynamically build up queries while preventing SQL interjection from user input at the same time.

Note that wile IDatabase::ExecSQL() does the same (which means, the SQL query with the variable parameters can directly given to ExecSQL()), QueryPrint() helps to bild up a SQL query that can be insert into an other for nested SQL queries, or to pepare a query for later use.


char * bufferThe buffer to store the processed query string to.
size bufferSizeThe size of the given buffer.
const char * sqlcmdThe SQL command string to process. Can contain placeholders.
... ...Additional values for the placeholders. Must be the same order and datatypes as the placeholders defines them.

Return value

The size of the final query string.


The function supports the following placeholders (note that single quotes (') will be escaped automatically while double quotes (") will not):
QueryPrint (overloaded)
The same as QueryPrint, but takes and IInstanceLog object as parameter for logging purposes.


char * bufferThe buffer to store the processed query string to.
size bufferSizeThe size of the given buffer.
const char * sqlcmdThe SQL command string to process. Can contain placeholders.
... ...Additional values for the placeholders. Must be the same order and datatypes as the placeholders defines them.

Return value

The size of the final query string.


For a description of the placeholders that can be given to the sqlcmd, see QueryPrint().
QueryPrintV (overloaded)
Does the same as QueryPrint. The difference here is that a pointer to the variable parameters can be passed.


char * bufferThe buffer to store the processed query string to.
size bufferSizeThe size of the given buffer.
const char * sqlcmdThe SQL command to execute. Can contain placeholders.
va_list argListPointer to the start of the variable parameters.

Return value

The size of the final query string.


For a description of the placeholders that can be given to the sqlcmd, see QueryPrint().
QueryPrintV (overloaded)
Does the same as QueryPrintV, but takes and additional IInstanceLog object as parameter for logging purposes.


IIntanceLog * logAn instance of the log class for logging output if LOG_DATABASE is enabled.
char * bufferThe buffer to store the processed query string to.
size bufferSizeThe size of the given buffer.
const char * sqlcmdThe SQL command to execute. Can contain placeholders.
va_list argListPointer to the start of the variable parameters.

Return value

The size of the final query string.


For a description of the placeholders that can be given to the sqlcmd, see QueryPrint().


class IPreparedStatement {
    virtual ~IPreparedStatement() {}
    virtual void SetParam(dword idx, int value);
    virtual void SetParam(dword idx, dword value);
    virtual void SetParam(dword idx, long64 value);
    virtual void SetParam(dword idx, ulong64 value);
    virtual void SetParam(dword idx, bool value);
    virtual void SetParam(dword idx, double value);
    virtual void SetParam(dword idx, int * value);
    virtual void SetParam(dword idx, dword * value);
    virtual void SetParam(dword idx, long64 * value);
    virtual void SetParam(dword idx, ulong64 * value);
    virtual void SetParam(dword idx, double * value);
    virtual void SetParam(dword idx, bool * value);
    virtual void SetParam(dword idx, const char * value);
    virtual void SetParam(dword idx, const byte * buffer, size_t size);

Prepared statements are some kind of ready-to-use SQL queries. While they needs some managament overhead (create them, stored them on some place for usage and deleted them when no longer used), they have some other advantage: ease of use and performance. As a thumb rule you can say: for each SQL query that is used more than once on a regular basis, it is worth to use a prepared statement. Because when using prepared statment (after creating them), there is no need to build up an SQL string, escape strings to prevent SQL injection and also there is no need to parse the SQL string again on the database server side. So using prepared statements (while consuming a little memory footprint) can spead up the applications performance a bit. That said, according to the documentation of PostgreSQL and MySQL, prepared statements can also have no benefit at all or even slow down the performance under some circumstances. So finally it depends on tests. However, using prepared statements for often called SQL queries will be a good start.

To create an IPreparedStatement instance, call IDatabase::PrepareStatement(). The instance will then passed to UDatabase::DatabasePrepareStatementResult() and must be deleted, if no longer used. To execute a prepared statement, simply set the parameters and pass it to IDatabase::ExecSQL() or IDatabase::InsertSQL(). The index of a parameter depends on the position of the parameters place holder in the SQL string. So for a query like "select * from users where user_name=%s and age > %i", the index of the parameter for %s will be 0, and for the parameter for %i 1. The placeholders have the same format as for IDatabase::QueryPrint(), so read the description of that function for more information. However, because of the nature of prepared statements, there are some differences for the placeholders:

After the parameters had been set and the prepared statment instance had been passed to IDatabase::ExecSQL() or IDatabase::InsertSQL(), the IPreparedStatement instance can directly be used again and the parameters can be changed. Because the prepared statements will manage the parameters internally by reference counting so that they are fixed as soon as the prepared statement instance sits inside the IDatabase execution queue.

Public functions

SetParam (overloaded)
Set the parameters for the query. There are various functions for the different datatypes supported by IDatabase as well as a version that accepts a pointer for that datatype. When passing nullptr to that pointer, the datafield inside the database will be set to NULL. See the source code part above for details.


dword idxThe index of the parameter value to set.
various types valueThe value for that parameter.


It can be that you must do some typecasting to let the compiler now, which overloaded function you actually whant to use. If e. G. SetParam() will be called with value 1, the compiler must know, how to interpret this number: as dword, long64, bool, ...
SetParam (overloaded)
This version takes three arguments instead as two like the others. It is for passing buffers and so does also need the buffer size.


dword idxThe index of the parameter value to set.
const byte * bufferThe buffer holding the data to write to the database.
size_t sizeThe size of the buffer.


class IDataSet {
    virtual ~IDataSet() {}

    virtual size_t GetColumnCount();
    virtual bool Eot();
    virtual void Next();
    virtual void FetchNextRow();
    virtual bool IsSingleRowMode();
    virtual ulong64 GetAffectedRows();

    virtual const char * GetColumnName(int column);
    virtual int GetColumnID(const char * columnName);

    virtual bool ColumnIsNull(const char * columnName);
    virtual bool ColumnIsNull(int column);
    virtual bool ColumnIsString(int column);

    virtual int GetIntValue(const char * columnName);
    virtual dword GetUIntValue(const char * columnName);
    virtual long64 GetLong64Value(const char * columnName);
    virtual ulong64 GetULong64Value(const char * columnName);
    virtual bool GetBoolValue(const char * columnName);
    virtual double GetDoubleValue(const char * columnName);
    virtual const char * GetStringValue(const char * columnName);
    virtual const char * GetStringValueWithNull(const char * columnName);
    virtual size_t GetDataSize(const char * columnName);
    virtual const byte * GetDataValue(const char * columnName);

    virtual int GetIntValue(int column);
    virtual dword GetUIntValue(int column);
    virtual long64 GetLong64Value(int column);
    virtual ulong64 GetULong64Value(int column);
    virtual bool GetBoolValue(int column);
    virtual double GetDoubleValue(int column);
    virtual const char * GetStringValue(int column);
    virtual const char * GetStringValueWithNull(int column);
    virtual size_t GetDataSize(int column);
    virtual const byte * GetDataValue(int column);

After executing a SQL query, the result of that query will given to the UDatabase user in form of an IDataSet instance. By using that instance, the data of the query result can be accessed. After prpcessomg all data, the application must delete the IDataSet instance to let the IDatabase process the next SQL query from the internal queue. So it is alos not allowes to store the IDataSet for some later use, because it will block the whole database system. An IDataSet with instance will be passes to UDataset::DatabaseExecSQLResult() and should be processed before the function returns.

Public functions


Return value

Returns the number of columns available in the result set.

Return value

True, of the end of the result table had been reached, else false.


If Eot returnes true, the IDataSet intsance must be deleted to let IDataset continue processing the next SQL query inside the internal queue.
Set the internal row pointer to the next row to get the data out of it. This should be used in a loop to process all data from the query. Please use it with care, because if processing the data takes a lot of time, it will block the whole asynchronous system for your application. Before accessing data, IDataSet::Eot() must be called to make sure that there is data available.


Only call Next() if the query for that result had been executed with the DB_EXEC_FETCH_ALL flag or use IDataset::FetchNextRow() instead.
Fetches the next row from the server. This is the asynchronous way of processing each row. After calling this function, UDatabase::DatabaseExecSQLResult() can be leaved and will be called again from IDatabase, when the next row had ben read. You must check the return of IDataSet::Eot() before accessing the row data to make sure, that there is data available.


UDataset::DatasetExecSQLResult() will be called
Can be used to check, if the data can be process with IDataSet::Next() or IDataSet::FetchNextRow(). Single-row-mode means, that the result will be fetched line by line from the server (which is the default if the flag DB_EXEC_FETCH_ALL was not given to IDatabase::ExecSQL()).

Return value

True, if the dataset uses single-row-mode and the rows must be read calling IDataSet::FetchNextRow(). Fals, if all the rows had been received from the database server and IDataSet::Next() must be used to process the rows.

Return value

Returns the number of rows affected by the query (which actually is then number of rows IDataSet provides).


int columnThe index of the column to get the name for. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

Returns the name of the culumn.


const char * columnNameThe Name of the column to get the index for.

Return value

The index of the column or -1, if the column name canot be found inside the list of columns.
ColumnIsNull (overloaded)


int columnThe index of the column to check. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

True, if the value of the column is NULL, else false.
ColumnIsNull (overloaded)


const char * columnNameThe name of the column to check.

Return value

True, if the value of the column is NULL, else false.
ColumnIsString (overloaded)


int columnThe index of the column to check. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

True, if the value of the column is a string type, else false.
GetIntValue (overloaded)


int columnThe index of the column get the value from. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

The data value of the column as integer.
GetIntValue (overloaded)


const char * columnNameThe name of the column get the value from. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

The data value of the column as integer.
GetUIntValue (overloaded)


int columnThe index of the column get the value from. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

The data value of the column as integer.
GetUIntValue (overloaded)


const char * columnNameThe name of the column get the value from. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

The data value of the column as dword.
GetLong64Value (overloaded)


int columnThe index of the column get the value from. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

The data value of the column as long64.
GetLong64Value (overloaded)


const char * columnNameThe name of the column get the value from. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

The data value of the column as long64.
GetULong64Value (overloaded)


int columnThe index of the column get the value from. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

The data value of the column as ulong64.
GetULong64Value (overloaded)


const char * columnNameThe name of the column get the value from. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

The data value of the column as ulong64.
GetBoolValue (overloaded)


int columnThe index of the column get the value from. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

The data value of the column as bool.
GetBoolValue (overloaded)


const char * columnNameThe name of the column get the value from. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

The data value of the column as bool.
GetDoubleValue (overloaded)


int columnThe index of the column get the value from. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

The data value of the column as double.
GetDoubleValue (overloaded)


const char * columnNameThe name of the column get the value from. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

The data value of the column as doubel.
GetStringValue (overloaded)


int columnThe index of the column get the value from. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

The data value of the column as string. If the column is NULL, an empty string will be returned.
GetStringValue (overloaded)


const char * columnNameThe name of the column get the value from. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

The data value of the column as string. If the column is NULL, an empty string will be returned.
GetStringValueWithNull (overloaded)


int columnThe index of the column get the value from. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

The data value of the column as string. If the column is NULL, nullptr will be returned.
GetStringValueWithNull (overloaded)


const char * columnNameThe name of the column get the value from. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

The data value of the column as string. If the column is NULL, nullptr will be returned.
GetDataSize (overloaded)


int columnThe index of the column get the value from. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.
The number of binary data bytes hold by the column.


To get the binary data itself, call IDataSet::GetDataValue().
GetDataSize (overloaded)


const char * columnNameThe name of the column get the value from. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

The number of binary data bytes hold by the column.


To get the binary data itself, call IDataSet::GetDataValue().
GetDataValue (overloaded)


int columnThe index of the column get the data from. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.

Return value

Returns the binary data of the column.


Got get the number of bytes hold by the column, call IDataSet::GetDataSize().
GetDataValue (overloaded)


const char * columnNameThe name of the column get the data from. Must be between 0 and IDataSet::GetColumnCount() - 1.
Returns the binary data of the column.


Got get the number of bytes hold by the column, call IDataSet::GetDataSize().


class UDatabase {
    virtual void DatabaseConnectComplete(IDatabase * const database) {};
    virtual void DatabaseShutdown(IDatabase * const database, db_error_t reason) {};
    virtual void DatabaseError(IDatabase * const database, db_error_t error) = 0;
    virtual void DatabaseExecSQLResult(IDatabase * const database, class IDataSet * dataset) {};
    virtual void DatabaseInsertSQLResult(IDatabase * const database, ulong64 id) {};
    virtual void DatabaseBeginTransactionResult(IDatabase * const database) {};
    virtual void DatabaseEndTransactionResult(IDatabase * const database) {};
    virtual void DatabasePrepareStatementResult(IDatabase * const database, class IPreparedStatement * statement) {};

Each database request will lead to a result, wich will be redirected to an UDatabase instance. An app must provide at least on UDatabase instance to pass to IDatabase, but also can have multiple UDatabase objects to pass to database related calls. That user passed to a function (like IDatabase::ExecSQL()) will receive the result of the SQL query to execute. If nullptr will be passed as user to that functions, the default user (given to IDatabaseProvider::CreateDatabase()) will be used for callbacks.

Public functions

Will be called when the connection to the database server had been established.


IDatabase * const databaseThe calling database instance.
Will be called after the connection had been closed or if an error occurred when tried to establish the connection. The reason provides details about what happend.


IDatabase * const databaseThe calling database instance.
db_error_t reasonThe reason why the connection had been closed.


This callback will be a good place to delete the IDatabase instance. However, this should only be done from the same UDatabase instance that was given to IDatabaseProvider::CreateDatabase().
Will be called when an error occures while executing a command. The user whis query raised an error will receive that callback. In that case, all pending SQL queries inside the internal queue of IDatabase will be discared and an active transaction will be be rolled back and closed (befor this callback raises). If a critical error occures, all queries inside the queue will be discared and all users will receive UDatabase::DatabaseError(), before the main user receives a UDatabase::DatabaseShutdown().


IDatabase * const databaseThe calling database instance.
db_error_t errorThe rror that occured.
Will be called after executing an SQL query, providing the result of that call. The given dataset should be handled here and must be deleted, if no longer needed to let IDatabase process the next query of the internal queue. If the dataset is in sinngle row mode (because of fetching each row in an asynchronous way), DatabaseExecSQLResult() will be recalled after receiving the next row. For this, IDataSet::FetchNextRow() must be used.


IDatabase * const databaseThe calling database instance.
IDataset * datasetThe IDataset instance providing the result of the query.


Don't delete the IDataset after calling IDataset::FetchNextRow(). Also, don't forget to delete the IDataSAet instance if you no longer need it, of the database system will block forever.
Will be called after the execution of IDatabase::InsertSQL(), providing the id of the newly insert row.


IDatabase * const databaseThe calling database instance.
ulong64 idThe ID of the new insert row.


To use IDatabse::InsertSQL() and this callback, the table to insert a row must provide a field named ID. That field must hold a 64bit value and must be defined to autoincrement. More information can be found in the PostgreSQL or MySQL documentation.
Will be called after a transaction had been started because of a previous call to IDatabase::BeginTransaction(). So this callback will be the right place to start posting SQL requests that will be part of the transaction.


IDatabase * const databaseThe calling database instance.


After a transaction had been started, all IDatabase::ExecSQL() or IDatabase::InsertSQL() calls will be put to the end of the queue and ignroed, if they are not for the same user as the one who started the transaction. To use multiple users for results of transaction queries, use the DatabaseSwitch helper class.
Will be called after a transaction had been closed because of a previous call to IDatabase::EndTransaction().


IDatabase * const databaseThe calling database instance.
When creating a prepared statement by calling IDatabase::PrepareStatement(), the result will be passed to UDatabase::DatabasePrepareStatementResult() by the given IPreparedStatement instance. To execute that instance, it must be given to IDatabase::ExecSQL() or IDatabase::InsertSQL(). It also must be deleted by the app, if no longer used.


IDatabase * const databaseThe calling database instance.
IPreparedStatement * statementThe instance to use for executing the prepared statement.

Data types

Defines / Statics

#define DB_EXEC_FETCH_ALL    0x01
DB_EXEC_FETCH_ALL Can be passed to IDatabase::ExecSQL() to request all result rows. In that case, the results will be completely loaded into the apps memory. To access it, the data must be processed in a loop by calling IDataSet::Next().


typedef enum {
    DB_OK = 0,
} db_error_t;

This enum is used determine the reason why a database connection had been closed. The values are:

DB_OKEverything is fine, the shutdown is the result of a previous IDatabase::Shutdown() call.
DB_SHUTDOWN_NORMALSame as DB_OK. Recommendet to use for better readable code.
DB_ERR_CONNECT_FAILEDThe conenction to the database failed. Enable logging to get details.
DB_ERR_SQL_COMMAND_FAILEDAn SQL command send failed to execute. Enable logging to see what was wrong with that query.
DB_ERR_SHUTDOWN_STATEThe app tried to execute a database command, while the shutdown of the database already is in process.
DB_ERR_SERVER_ERRORAn error occured on the database server side. Enable logging to see more details.

Code Example

app::app(IIoMux * iomux)
    : iomux(iomux)
    IDatabaseProvider * databaseProvider = CreatePostgreSQLDatabaseProvider();
    this->database = databaseProvider->CreateDatabase(iomux, this, this);
    delete databaseProvider;
    this->database->Connect("", "test_db", "user", "12345");

void app::DatabaseConnectComplete(IDatabase * const database)
    this->database->ExecSQL(this, 0, "select * from test_table where name=%s and id=%u", "Noname", 42);

void app::DatabaseExecSQLResult(IDatabase * const database, class IDataSet * dataset)
    if (dataset->Eot()) {
        delete dataset;
    else {
        printf("%u | %s\n", dataset->GetIntValue("id"), dataset->GetStringValue("name"));

void app::DatabaseShutdown(IDatabase * const database, db_error_t reason)
    if (reason != DB_SHUTDOWN_NORMAL) {
        debug->printf("An error occured, look at the log of the app\n");
    delete this->database;
    this->database = nullptr;