The appwebsocket library contains a class AppWebsocket, which can be used as base class
for a session object allocated for incoming websocket connections. This class handles the
authentication protocol using the myPBX authentication. It relates to the
innovaphone.appwebsocket.js library on the client side. There are member functions
for sending and receiving messages.
JSON messages are used on this interface. There are some common properties, which are defined
by the this library already, which is documented as
The library uses the mechanism defined by json_api.h
to plug-in code to implement a specific API, which is addressed by the "api" property. Any App
may use or provide APIs. These are documented in the context of these Apps. There are also
libraries using this API mechanism (e.g. Replication).
File information
class AppWebsocket : public UWebsocket, public IJsonApiConnection {
AppWebsocket(IWebserverPlugin * plugin, class IInstanceLog * const log, class JsonApiContext * jsonApiContext = 0);
virtual char * AppWebsocketPassword() { return 0; };
virtual char * AppWebsocketPassword(const char * domain) { return NULL; };
virtual const char * AppWebsocketInstanceDomain() { return NULL; };
virtual void AppWebsocketMessage(class json_io & msg, word base, const char * mt, const char * src) = 0;
virtual void AppWebsocketBinaryMessage(void * buffer, int len) { };
virtual void AppWebsocketAppInfo(const char * app, class json_io & msg, word base) { }
virtual void AppWebsocketServiceInfo(const char * app, class json_io & msg, word base) { }
virtual const char * AppWebsocketDeviceAppType(const char * app) { return 0; }
virtual void AppWebsocketLogin(class json_io & msg, word info) { };
virtual bool AppWebsocketConnectComplete(class json_io & msg, word info) { return true; }
virtual void AppWebsocketClosed() = 0;
virtual bool AppWebsocketApiPermission(const char * api) { return true; }
virtual void AppWebsocketSendResult() = 0;
virtual void AppWebsocketCheckLogin(const char * src, const char * app, const char * domain, const char * challenge, const char * digest) { AppWebsocketCheckLoginComplete(src, app, domain, challenge, digest, AppWebsocketPassword()); };
bool AppWebsocketLoginComplete(const char * password, char * key = 0, unsigned keyLen = 0);
void AppWebsocketCheckLoginComplete(const char * src, const char * app, const char * domain, const char * challenge, const char * digest, const char * password);
void AppWebsocketMessageComplete();
void AppWebsocketMessageSend(class json_io & msg, char * buffer);
void AppWebsocketMessageSendText(const char * buffer);
void AppWebsocketMessageSendBinary(char * buffer, int len);
void AppWebsocketClose();
void AppWebsocketEncrypt(const char * seed, const char * data, char * out, size_t outLen);
void AppWebsocketDecrypt(const char * seed, const char * data, char * out, size_t outLen);
void AppWebsocketHash(const char * seed, const char * data, char * out, size_t outLen);
bool AppWebsocketIsEncryptedConnection();
const char * AppWebsocketRemoteAddr();
const char * AppWebsocketXForwaredFor();
void RegisterJsonApi(class JsonApi * api, bool uniqueSrc = false) override;
void UnRegisterJsonApi(class JsonApi * api) override;
void JsonApiMessage(class json_io & msg, char * buffer, class JsonApi * response = 0) override;
void JsonApiMessageText(const char * buffer, class JsonApi * response = 0) override;
void JsonApiMessageComplete() override;
bool JsonApiPermission(const char * api) override;
char * domain;
char * sip;
char * guid;
char * dn;
char * app;
char key[65];
bool unlicensed;
bool pbxConnection;
bool pbxManagerConnection;
Base class for incoming AppWebsocket sessions. It provides public functions which may
be called by the application and virtual function, which may be overridden for the
signaling of events on the protocol.
virtual AppWebsocket
Contructor used to initialize the class.
IWebserverPlugin * plugin |
The IWebserverPlugin object passed in the WebserverWebsocketListenResult function.
class IInstanceLog * const log |
The log is used to log dependent of the log flag LOG_APP_WEBSOCKET.
class JsonApiContext * jsonApiContext |
Optional parameter, needed if other libraries, based on the JsonApi mechanism
are used (e.g. config.h).
virtual AppWebsocketPassword (overloaded)
Called by the library to read the shared secret, which is part of the App instance
Return value
The app instance password. If null is returned, the function AppWebsocketLogin is
called to start assynchronous athentication.
virtual AppWebsocketPassword (overloaded)
Called by the library to read another domain dependent shared secret, if the first shared secret failed.
const char * domain |
The domain name.
Return value
The domain password, if defined. If null is returned, the function AppWebsocketLogin is
called to start assynchronous athentication.
virtual AppWebsocketInstanceDomain
Called by the library to read the App Instance domain. It is sent within the AppLoginResult
message as property "domain".
Return value
The domain name of the instance.
virtual AppWebsocketConnectComplete
Will be called after the connection / authentication process had been completed and with
that the AppWebsocket connection had been established.
The default implementation is just an empty function, which returns true
class json_io & msg |
The message as JSON data structure.
word info |
Indicates the location of the info structure inside the message. The info structure contains additional user, app and licensing information.
For Details see the protocol definition: AppWebsocket.
Return value
The application should return true to indicate, that it is ready
to receive messages. If false is returned, a call to AppWebsocketMessageComplete() is needed
to receive messages.
virtual AppWebsocketMessage
Called by the library on received messages. The message is json decoded.
class json_io & msg |
The message as JSON data structure.
word base |
indicates the location of message inside the
JSON structure
const char * src |
The "src" member of the message. This should be sent back with any response. It is
used on the Javascript side to route the message to the object, which sent the request.
virtual AppWebsocketBinaryMessage
Called by the library on received binary messages.
void * buffer |
The message.
int len |
The length of the message.
const char * src |
The "src" member of the message. This should be sent back with any response. It is
used on the Javascript side to route the message to the object, which sent the request.
virtual AppWebsocketMessageComplete
Function to be called to acknowledge the last message. Unless this function is called no
further message is received.
virtual AppWebsocketMessageSend
Function which can be called to send a message. buffer should be a buffer big enough to
hold the complete message. It is used only during the call to this function.
class json_io & msg |
The message as JSON data structure.
char * buffer |
A buffer that shall be used for encoding the message. Must be big enough to contain the whole message.
virtual AppWebsocketSendResult
Called by the library when the message is sent. The App should not send further messages
unless this call is received, if the App wants to have flow control for bulk data. If flow
control on application level is done, this function needs not to be implemented.
Can be called to request closing of the websocket connection
virtual AppWebsocketClosed
Called when the websocket connection is closed. It can be used to delete the App session
(e.g. delete this).
virtual AppWebsocketAppInfo
Called by the library to get information of the specified app. This includes for
example if the app is hidden and which client APIs are provided by the app.
The application is supposed to encode a JSON structure containing the information.
const char * app |
The name of the app for which the information is requested.
class json_io & msg |
A JSON structure to put the information.
word base |
The position inside the JSON structure where to put the information.
Information that can be published in the JSON
hidden |
true if the app is an API provider without a UI. Hidden apps are run in the background without displaying them to the user.
presence |
true if the app instance provides presence for badge counts on the AppWebsocket connection using the PbxSignal API.
apis |
An object that should contain an object for each client API that is provided by the app. Please see the Example.
virtual AppWebsocketServiceInfo
Called by the library to get information about the websocket services of a certain app instance.
The application is supposed to encode a JSON structure containing the information.
const char * app |
The name of the app for which the information is requested.
class json_io & msg |
A JSON structure to put the information.
word base |
The position inside the JSON structure where to put the information.
virtual AppWebsocketDeviceAppType
Called by the library to get information about the device app type. This happens when an
AppInfo message is received.
const char * app |
The name of the app for which the information is requested.
Return Value
A string, which is sent as "deviceapp" property in the AppInfoResult message.
virtual AppWebsocketLogin
Called by the library if null is returned on AppWebsocketPassword, so that the
Login can be handled assynchronously in the application
class json_io & msg |
Json data which contains the AppLogin message
word info |
Handle of the info object inside the AppLogin message.
Return Value
A string, which is sent as "deviceapp" property in the AppInfoResult message.
virtual AppWebsocketApiPermission
Called by the library when the function JsonApiPermission is called by an JsonApi
implementation, so that the application can check if the use of the Api is allowed
in the context of this session.
const char * api |
The Api id.
Return Value
Return true to allow the use of the Api.
virtual AppWebsocketCheckLogin
Called by the library when the message AppCheckLogin is received. This can be used
to check if a login is valid. The PBX Manager uses this function to verify if the
passwords stored in App objects are valid.
The default implementation calls AppWebsocketCheckLoginComplete with AppWebsocketPassword,
so that this check works in case the AppWebsocketPassword function is used for the password.
const char * src |
The src property as received
const char * app |
The app propery as received
const char * domain |
The domain name as received
const char * challenge |
The challenge property as received
const char * digest |
The digest propery as received
virtual AppWebsocketLoginComplete
Called by the application to complete a login process started with the AppWebsocketLogin
const char * password |
The password used to check the login.
char * key |
Optional buffer to copy the session key into.
unsigned keyLen |
Length of the key buffer.
virtual AppWebsocketCheckLoginComplete
Called by the application to complete a check login process started with the
AppWebsocketCheckLogin call
const char * src |
The src as received in AppWebsocketCheckLogin
const char * app |
The app as received in AppWebsocketCheckLogin
const char * domain |
The domain name as received in AppWebsocketCheckLogin
const char * challenge |
The challenge as received in AppWebsocketCheckLogin
const char * digest |
The digest as received in AppWebsocketCheckLogin
const char * password |
The password to be used for the check
virtual AppWebsocketMessageSendText
Can be used to send a plain text message
const char * buffer |
Zero terminated string which is sent
virtual AppWebsocketMessageSendBinary
Can be used to send a binary message
char * buffer |
Buffer containing the binary message.
int len |
Length of the message in bytes.
Can be used to encrypt a text send on the AppWebsocket connection, using the session
const char * seed |
Seed, which can be used so that the result of the encryption is different even
if the data is the same.
const char * data |
Buffer containing the data to be encrypted as zero terminated string
char * out |
Buffer for the encrypted output as hex string.
size_t outLen |
Length of the buffer for the output. Must be 2 times the length of
the data string.
Can be used to dencrypt a text send on the AppWebsocket connection, using the session
const char * seed |
Seed, which can be used so that the result of the encryption is different even
if the data is the same.
const char * data |
Buffer containing the hex string of encryped data
char * out |
Buffer for the decrypted output
size_t outLen |
Length of the buffer for the output. Must be half the length of
the data string.
Calculate a SHA256 hash using the session key
const char * seed |
Seed, which can be used so that the result of the encryption is different even
if the data is the same.
const char * data |
Buffer containing a zero terminated string over which the hash shall be calculated
char * out |
Buffer for the hash
size_t outLen |
Length of the buffer for the output. Must be 64 bytes, 2* HASH_SIZE_SHA256
Returns true if a TLS connection is used
Returns the remote address of the underlying socket.
Returns the X-Forwarded-For header of the initial HTTP GET request for the websocket connection.
Used by an Api implementation to register the Api to the session. Needed to receive
messages with the matching "api" property. This is usually called when the Api
implementation is called with JsonApiRequested, when a new api value is received
class JsonApi * api |
The class for the Api implementation
bool uniqueSrc |
This can be set to true, if the library is not used to provide an Api, but to access a remote
Api. It should not be set, when providing an Api. A unique src is generated, which is
available as member "src" of JsonApi. The src can be used when sending Requests, it is
checked for responses to route these to the correct JsonApi.
Used by an Api implementation to unregister the Api from the session.
class JsonApi * api |
The class for the Api implementation
Used by a JsonApi implementation to send a message
class json_io & msg |
The message to be sent
char * buffer |
A buffer big enough to contain the message
class JsonApi * response |
Optional argument to request a JsonApiResponseSent() callback to the JsonApi.
It can be used to trigger the next response. For each JsonApiMessage with the
response argument, there will be a JsonApiResponseSent() callback.
Used by a JsonApi implementation to acknowledge a received message so that the
next message is received
Used by a JsonApi implementation to check if the use of the Api is allowed for
this session
const char * api |
The name of the api.
Return value
Return true to allow the use of the Api.
Code Examples
Publishing app information
void MySession::AppWebsocketAppInfo(const char * app, class json_io & msg, word base)
if (!strcmp(app, "my-searchprovider")) {
// general app info
msg.add_bool(base, "hidden", true); // app is hidden
msg.add_bool(base, "presence", true); // app provides presence (badge counts)
// apis
word apis = msg.add_object(base, "apis");
word search = msg.add_object(apis, "");
word info = msg.add_object(search, "info");
msg.add_string(info, "someattr", "somevalue");
Publishing service information
void MySession::AppWebsocketServiceInfo(const char * app, class json_io & msg, word base)
if (!strcmp(app, "my-channels-service")) {
word apis = msg.add_object(base, "apis");
msg.add_object(apis, "com.innovaphone.channels");