innovaphone.Countries Documentation


The innovaphone.Countries object provides a mapping of country names to their local names in various languages. This is useful for applications that need to present or handle country information in different languages.


The innovaphone.Countries object is structured as a dictionary (or map) where each key is a country name in English, and the value is an object containing a property local which is an array of strings representing the country's name in various local languages.

Example Usage

// Accessing the local names for 'Germany'
var germanyLocalNames = innovaphone.Countries["Germany"].local;
console.log(germanyLocalNames);  // Output: ["Deutschland"]


Example Data

    "Afghanistan": { local: ["افغانستان"] },
    "Albania": { local: ["Shqipëria"] },
    "Algeria": { local: ["الجزائر"] },
    "Andorra": { local: ["Andorra"] },
    "Angola": { local: ["Angola"] },
    // More countries...
    "Zimbabwe": { local: ["Zimbabwe"] }