A library that contains various cryptographic functions and tools for using them.
- md5(in)
Calculates the MD5 hash of the string "in" and returns a hex string representing the hash value.
- sha1(in)
Calculates the SHA1 hash of the string "in" and returns a hex string representing the hash value.
- sha256(in)
Calculates the SHA256 hash of the string "in" and returns a hex string representing the hash value.
- rc4(key, in)
Encrypts/decrypts the data from "in" using "key" and returns the ecrypted/decrypted value.
The encrypted string
- rc4Bytes(keyBytes, strBytes)
Encrypts/decrypts the data from "strBytes" using "keyBytes" and returns the ecrypted/decrypted value.
The encrypted string
- ntlmResponse(password, challenge)
Calculates the NTLMv1 response based on the given password and challenge.
- ntlmSessionKey(password)
Calculates the NTLMv1 response for the given password.
- str2hex(in)
Converts the input to a hex string.
- hex2str(in)
Converts the hex string in the input to raw data. The output might be binary data.
- scramble(name, value)
Returns an non-human readable version of value, scrambled using the given name.
- scramble(name, value)
Reverts a value returned by scramble into a human-readable version.
- hex2bin(input)
Converts a hex string to a binary array.