Appwebsocket client

The appwebsocket client is used to establish a websocket connection to an app with the appwebsocket authentication protocol.

File information


Classes IAppWebsocketClient

Examples AppWebsocketClient usage


To enable logging for IAppWebsocketClient, the flag LOG_WEBSOCKET_CLIENT must be set in the managers diagnostic settings.



class IAppWebsocketClient {
    static IAppWebsocketClient * Create(class IIoMux * const iomux,
                                        class UAppWebsocketClient * const user,
                                        class ISocketProvider * const tcpSocketProvider,
                                        class ISocketProvider * const tlsSocketProvider,
                                        class IDns * const dns,
                                        class IInstanceLog * const log);

    void Connect(const char * websocketUri, const char * password, const char * app, const char * domain, const char * sip, const char * guid, const char * dn);
    void Connect(const char * websocketUri, const char * app, class IAppWebsocketAuthenticator * authenticator);
    void MessageComplete();
    void MessageSend(class json_io & msg, char * buffer);
    void MessageSendText(const char * buffer);
    void Encrypt(const char * seed, const char * data, char * out, size_t outLen);
    void Decrypt(const char * seed, const char * data, char * out, size_t outLen);
    void Hash(const char * seed, const char * data, char * out, size_t outLen);
    void Close();

Public functions

IAppWebsocketClient::Create (static)
This function creates a new instance of IAppWebsocketClient.


class IIoMux * const iomux A pointer to the IIoMux class.
class UAppWebsocketClient * const user A pointer to the UAppWebsocketClient class which will receive the callbacks.
class ISocketProvider * const tcpSocketProvider A pointer to the ISocketProvider class for TCP sockets.
class ISocketProvider * const tlsSocketProvider A pointer to the ISocketProvider class for TLS sockets.
class IDns * const dns A pointer to the IDns class. Can be a nullptr.
IInstanceLog * log An IInstanceLog pointer to the logging interface.
Connect with string parameters
This function connects to the given endpoint.


const char *websocketUri The websocket URI, e.g. wss://
const char *password
const char *app
const char *domain
const char *sip
const char *guid
const char *dn
Connect with IAppWebsocketAuthenticator
This function connects to the given endpoint.


const char *websocketUri The websocket URI, e.g. wss://
const char *app
class IAppWebsocketAuthenticator * const authenticator A pointer to the IAppWebsocketAuthenticator class.
Call this function to receive the next message.
This function sends a JSON message.


class json_io &msg A json_io class which contains the message JSON.
char *buffer A buffer which will be used to encode the message into. Must be big enough to avoid buffer overflows!
This function sends a text message.


const char *buffer The buffer which will be sent.
Can be used to encrypt a text send on the AppWebsocket connection, using the session key


const char * seedseed Seed, which can be used so that the result of the encryption is different even if the data is the same.
const char * data Buffer containing the data to be encrypted as zero terminated string
char * out Buffer for the encrypted output as hex string.
size_t outLen Length of the buffer for the output. Must be 2 times the length of the data string.
Can be used to dencrypt a text send on the AppWebsocket connection, using the session key


const char * seedseed Seed, which can be used so that the result of the encryption is different even if the data is the same.
const char * data Buffer containing the hex string of encryped data
char * out Buffer for the decrypted output
size_t outLen Length of the buffer for the output. Must be half the length of the data string.
Calculate a SHA256 hash using the session key


const char * seedseed Seed, which can be used so that the result of the encryption is different even if the data is the same.
const char * data Buffer containing a zero terminated string over which the hash shall be calculated
char * out Buffer for the hash
size_t outLen Length of the buffer for the output. Must be 64 bytes, 2* HASH_SIZE_SHA256
Closes the appwebsocket client connection.


class UAppWebsocketClient {
    virtual void AppWebsocketClientConnectComplete(class IAppWebsocketClient * appWebsocketClient) = 0;
    virtual void AppWebsocketClientMessage(class IAppWebsocketClient * appWebsocketClient, class json_io & msg, word base, const char * mt, const char * src) = 0;
    virtual void AppWebsocketClientSendResult(class IAppWebsocketClient * appWebsocketClient) = 0;
    virtual void AppWebsocketClientClosed(class IAppWebsocketClient * appWebsocketClient) = 0;


This is the user for an IAppWebsocketClient. The parent class needs to implement the functions below.

Public functions

Will be called from the IAppWebsocketClient instance after a successfull connect.


class IAppWebsocketClient * appWebsocketClientThe calling IAppWebsocketClient instance.
Will be called from the IAppWebsocketClient instance when a new message is received.


class IAppWebsocketClient * appWebsocketClientThe calling IAppWebsocketClient instance.
class json_io &msgThe json_io class which contains the message JSON.
word baseThe JSON base.
const char * mtThe message type string.
const char * srcThe message source string.
Will be called from the IAppWebsocketClient instance if a message has been sent.


class IAppWebsocketClient * appWebsocketClientThe calling IAppWebsocketClient instance.
Will be called from the IAppWebsocketClient instance if the connection has been closed.


class IAppWebsocketClient * appWebsocketClientThe calling IAppWebsocketClient instance.

Code Example

class Test : public UAppWebsocketClient {
    class IAppWebsocketClient * awsClient;
    void AppWebsocketClientConnectComplete(class IAppWebsocketClient * appWebsocketClient) override;
    void AppWebsocketClientMessage(class IAppWebsocketClient * appWebsocketClient, class json_io & msg, word base, const char * mt, const char * src) override;
    void AppWebsocketClientSendResult(class IAppWebsocketClient * appWebsocketClient) override;
    void AppWebsocketClientClosed(class IAppWebsocketClient * appWebsocketClient) override;
    Test(class IIoMux * const iomux,
          class ISocketProvider * const tcpSocketProvider,
          class ISocketProvider * const tlsSocketProvider,
          class IDns * const dns,
          class IInstanceLog * const log);
Test::Test(class IIoMux * const iomux,
          class ISocketProvider * const tcpSocketProvider,
          class ISocketProvider * const tlsSocketProvider,
          class IDns * const dns,
          class IInstanceLog * const log)
    this->awsClient = IAppWebsocketClient::Create(iomux, this, tcpSocketProvider, tlsSocketProvider, dns, log);
    this->awsClient->Connect("wss://", "myapp", "", "sip", "...", "DN");

void Test::AppWebsocketClientConnectComplete(class IAppWebsocketClient * appWebsocketClient) 
    char buffer[1024];
    class json_io json(buffer);
    word base = json.add_object(JSON_ID_ROOT, nullptr);
    json.add_string(base, "mt", "SendHello");
    this->awsClient->MessageSend(json, buffer);

void Test::AppWebsocketClientMessage(class IAppWebsocketClient * appWebsocketClient, class json_io & msg, word base, const char * mt, const char * src) 
    debug->printf("Test::AppWebsocketClientMessage received mt:%s", mt);

void Test::AppWebsocketClientSendResult(class IAppWebsocketClient * appWebsocketClient) 
    debug->printf("Test::AppWebsocketClientSendResult message sent");

void Test::AppWebsocketClientClosed(class IAppWebsocketClient * appWebsocketClient) 
    delete this->awsClient;
    this->awsClient = nullptr;
    // do other cleanup, e.g. call TryClose()