IPbxApi is a task-oriented interface that allows app services to access PBX data and functionality.
This function creates a IPbxApi object that will be connected to a given IJsonApiConnection, typically an AppWebsocket.
Return value
The IPbxApi instance. The object is owned by the IJsonApiConnection and is deleted automatically when the connection is closed. So the application should never delete it.
class IPbxApi {
virtual ~IPbxApi() {};
virtual class ITask * CreateSetPresence(const char * guid, const char * sip, const char * contact, const char * activity, const char * note) = 0;
virtual class IPbxApiPresenceSubscription * CreatePresenceSubscription(const char * sip, const char * num, const char * sourceSip = 0) = 0;
virtual class IPbxApiTaskGetNodeInfo * CreateGetNodeInfo(const char * pbx, const char * domain) = 0;
The interface of the PBX API. It provides functions to create several tasks that can be used to communicate with the PBX.
Public functions
Creates an ITask that sets the presence for a given contact of a given user.
const char * guid |
The GUID of the affected user object. (guid or sip must be specified)
const char * sip |
The SIP URI of the affected user object. (guid or sip must be specified)
const char * contact |
The contact string of the presence (e.g. tel:)
const char * activity |
A SIP activity string (e.g. away, busy, lunch, vacation, dnd, ...). If not set the activity will be displayed as "available".
const char * note |
A free text describing details about the activity.
Return value
An ITask object that implements the presence change.
Creates a presence subscription for a given SIP URI or phone number.
const char * sip |
The SIP URI of the monitored user. (sip or num must be specified)
const char * number |
The phone number of the monitored user. (sip or num must be specified)
const char * sourceSip |
Can be specified if the monitoring should be done on behalf of a specific user. Otherwise the subscription is done on behalf of the app object of the app instance.
Return value
An IPbxApiPresenceSubscription object that implements the presence subscription.
Creates an ITask that retrieves some node configuration info.
const char * pbx |
The pbx argument as received within a PbxInfo message.
const char * domain |
The domain argument as received within a PbxInfo message.
Return value
An IPbxApiTaskGetNodeInfo object.
class IPbxApiPresenceSubscription : public ITask {
virtual ~IPbxApiPresenceSubscription() {}
virtual void Start(class UTask * user) = 0;
virtual void Stop() = 0;
virtual bool IsUp() = 0;
virtual const char * GetSip() = 0;
virtual const char * GetDn() = 0;
virtual const char * GetNum() = 0;
virtual const char * GetEmail() = 0;
virtual class IPbxApiPresence * GetPresence() = 0;
This class implements a presence subscription using the ITask interface. It produces a TaskProgress callback on each update with one of the following values:
The state of the presence subscription changed. This could be if the presence subscription goes up or down or if the remote endpoint information changed.
The presence information has changed.
Public functions
Starts the presence subscription. The specified UTask will get the TaskProgress callback on any changes or TaskFailed on a fatal error.
class UTask * user |
The UTask object that shall receive the callbacks.
Stops the presence subscription. The UTask will get the TaskComplete callback, when the presence subscription has terminated.
Tells if the presence monitor is up or down. All the other info is just available, if the presence monitor is up.
Return value
if the presence monitor is up. false
if it is down.
Return value
The SIP URI of the monitored endpoint.
Return value
The common name of the monitored endpoint.
Return value
The display name of the monitored endpoint.
Return value
The phone number of the monitored endpoint.
Return value
The email address of the monitored endpoint.
Return value
A pointer to an IPbxApiPresence object that contains the list of presence entries, or null if there are none.
class IPbxApiPresence {
virtual const char * GetContact() = 0;
virtual const char * GetStatus() = 0;
virtual const char * GetActivity() = 0;
virtual const char * GetNote() = 0;
virtual class IPbxApiPresence * GetNext() = 0;
The user can have a list of presence entries that consist of a contact ("tel:"), a status ("open" or "closed"), an activity ("away", "busy", etc) and a note.
The IPbxApiPresence object represents a single entry with a pointer to the next entry in the list.
Please note that object is volatile. The application should not store any pointers to it but copy the needed information.
Public functions
Return value
The contact string of the presence entry (e.g. "tel:") or NULL.
Return value
The status string of the presence entry ("open", "closed") or NULL.
Return value
The activity string of the presence entry ("away", "busy", etc) or NULL.
Return value
The note string of the presence entry or NULL.
Return value
The next IPbxApiPresence object in the list or NULL if there is none.
class IPbxApiTaskGetNodeInfo : public ITask {
virtual const char * GetName() = 0;
virtual const char * GetPrefixIntl() = 0;
virtual const char * GetPrefixNtl() = 0;
virtual const char * GetPrefixSubs() = 0;
virtual const char * GetAreaCode() = 0;
virtual const char * GetCountryCode() = 0;
A PBX node's configuration can be read upon completion.
Public functions
Return value
The node's name.
Return value
The node's prefix for international numbers.
Return value
The node's prefix for national numbers.
Return value
The node's prefix for subscriber numbers.
Return value
The node's configured area code, e.g. 30 for Berlin.
Return value
The node's configured country code, e.g. 49 for germany.