
An interface to create new child processes, kill processes and inspect the existance of a process. Each static function has a class IInstanceLog * const log pointer, which is used for instance related
logs dependent of the log flag LOG_PROCESS.

File information


Classes IProcess



class IProcess {
    static int Spawn(const char *filename, int argc, char ** argv, class IInstanceLog * const log);				
    static int Kill(int pid, int signalNr, class IInstanceLog * const log);											
    static bool ProcessExist(int pid, class IInstanceLog * const log);
    static int GetOwnPID(class IInstanceLog * const log);
    static int GetParentPID(class IInstanceLog * const log);
    static bool SetProcessGroupID(int pid, int pgid, class IInstanceLog * const log);
    static void GetOwnName(char * buffer, size_t len, class IInstanceLog * const log);
    static int System(class IInstanceLog * const log, const char * command, ...);

Public static functions

int Spawn(const char *filename, int argc, char ** argv, class IInstanceLog * const log)
Spawns a new child process based on the filename and the set of arguments determined by char **argv.


const char * filenameThe actual command which will be executed.
int argcThe number of arguments.
char ** argvAn array of char * arguments. Note that the first argument is the process filename itself again.
class IInstanceLog * const logThe IInstanceLog instance which is to be used.

Return value

On success it returns the process id of the spawned process, otherwise 0 is returned.
int Kill(int pid, int signalNr, class IInstanceLog * const log)
Sends the specified kill code to a process.


int pidThe process PID.
int signalNrThe signal number, e.g. 9 (SIG_KILL).
class IInstanceLog * const logThe IInstanceLog instance which is to be used.

Return value

If the kill is successful 1 is returned; otherwise 0 is returned (int).
bool ProcessExist(int pid, class IInstanceLog * const log)
Checks if a process still exists or not.


int pidThe process PID.
class IInstanceLog * const logThe IInstanceLog instance which is to be used.

Return value

true if the process still exists, otherwise false.
int GetOwnPID(class IInstanceLog * const log)
Returns the own process ID.


class IInstanceLog * const logThe IInstanceLog instance which is to be used.

Return value

The process ID (int).
int GetParentPID(class IInstanceLog * const log)
Returns the parent process ID from the own process.


class IInstanceLog * const logThe IInstanceLog instance which is to be used.

Return value

The parent process ID (int).
bool SetProcessGroupID(int pid, int pgid, class IInstanceLog * const log)
Sets the process group ID of the specified process.


int pidThe process PID.
int pgidThe group ID.
class IInstanceLog * const logThe IInstanceLog instance which is to be used.

Return value

Returns true on success, otherwise false.
void GetOwnName(char * buffer, size_t len, class IInstanceLog * const log)
Writes the own process name to the given buffer.


char * bufferThe buffer in which the name will be written.
size_t lenThe size of the buffer.
class IInstanceLog * const logThe IInstanceLog instance which is to be used.
int System(class IInstanceLog * const log, const char * command, ...)
Makes use of the standard system function and runs the specified command.


class IInstanceLog * const logThe IInstanceLog instance which is to be used.
const char * commandThe command to run (e.g. "date -s \"1970-01-02 01:01:00\"").
...Parameters which are used inside command (e.g. %s etc.). The internally used buffer length is 1024 bytes!

Return value

The exit code of the system call (int).