The following files have to be included in the html file.
UI nodes
This prototype is used as a base for all UI nodes in the library. It defines useful functions for creating and manipulating DOM nodes.
- addText(text)
- Sets the innerText property of the node.
- addHTML(text)
- Sets the innerHTML property of the node.
- setStyle(style, value)
- Sets a single attribute of the style of the node.
- Example:
div.setStyle("color", "red");
- setAttribute(attribute, value)
- Sets a single attribute of a node.
a.setAttribute("href", "").setAttribute("target", "_blank");
- add(node, before)
- Adds a child node.
- node
- The child node to be added
- before (optional)
- The new child node is added before this element. If no element is given, the new child node is added at the end.
- rem(node)
- Removes a child node.
- clear()
- Removes all child nodes.
- addTranslation(languages, id, property, args)
- Adds a dynamic translation from innovaphone.lib1.Languages to the node. Text is updated automatically when the language is changed. Returns the node itself.
- Note: If the node is discarded it should also be detached from the Languages object using Languages.clear.
- languages
- An object of type innovaphone.lib1.Languages.
- id
- The id of the text.
- property (optional)
- The property of the DOM node where the translation should appear (e.g. "innerText", "placeholder", "title"). Defaults to "innerText".
- args (optional)
- An array with the values for the placeholder substitution.
var texts = {
en: {
conn: "Connected as $0",
hello: "Hello!"
de: {
conn: "Verbunden als $0",
hello: "Hallo!"
var langs = innovaphone.lib1.Languages(texts, "en");
var div1 = new innovaphone.ui1.Node("div").addTranslation(langs, "hello");
var div2 = new innovaphone.ui1.Node("div").addTranslation(langs, "conn", "innerText", ["John Doe"]);
// detach node that is not in use anymore
- createTranslation(languages, id, property, args)
- Works the same way as addTranslation but returns an innovaphone.lib1.TranslatedNode object that can be used for further manipulation.
Represents a generic DOM node. Supports all methods defined in innovaphone.ui1.nodePrototype.
- innovaphone.ui1.Node(type, style, content, cl)
- Constructor
- type
- The HTML dom node type (e.g. "div", "input", "hr", ...).
- style (optional)
- The style attribute of the node (e.g. "color: blue; font-size: 14px").
- content (optional)
- The innerText of the node.
- cl (optional)
- The CSS class of the node.
Represents a DIV node. Supports all methods defined in innovaphone.ui1.nodePrototype.
- innovaphone.ui1.Div(style, content, cl)
- Constructor
- style (optional)
- The style attribute of the node (e.g. "color: blue; font-size: 14px").
- content (optional)
- The innerText of the node.
- cl (optional)
- The CSS class of the node.
Represents an input field. Supports all methods defined in innovaphone.ui1.nodePrototype.
- innovaphone.ui1.Input(style, value, placeHolder, maxLength, type, cl)
- Constructor
- style (optional)
- The style attribute of the node (e.g. "color: blue; font-size: 14px").
- content (optional)
- The text content of the input field.
- placeHolder (optional)
- The placeholder text.
- maxLength (optional)
- Maximum number of characters.
- type (optional)
- The type of data (e.g. "text", "number", "password")
- cl (optional)
- The CSS class of the node.
Represents an input password field. Supports all methods defined in innovaphone.ui1.nodePrototype and offered by innovaphone.ui1.Input.
The benefit of using innovaphone.ui1.Password is, that you'll have a show password button inside the input field.
- innovaphone.ui1.Password(style, value, placeHolder, maxLength, cl, styleInput, clInput)
- Constructor
- style (optional)
- The style attribute of the node (e.g. "color: blue; font-size: 14px").
- content (optional)
- The text content of the input field.
- placeHolder (optional)
- The placeholder text.
- maxLength (optional)
- Maximum number of characters.
- cl (optional)
- The CSS class of the node.
- styleInput (optional)
- The style attribute for the embedded input field (e.g. "color: blue; font-size: 14px").
- clInput (optional)
- The class for the embedded input field.
Represents an checkbox control. Supports all methods defined in innovaphone.ui1.nodePrototype.
- innovaphone.ui1.Checkbox(style, value, cl, background, foreground, backgroundOff)
- Constructor
- style (optional)
- The style attribute of the node (e.g. "width: 20px; height: 20px; background-color: blue").
- value (true or false)
- Initial state of the checkbox control.
- cl (optional)
- The CSS class of the node.
- background (optional)
- The background node color when this is checked (gray as default).
- foreground (optional)
- The checkmark color (white as default).
- backgroundOff (optional)
- The background node color when this is unchecked (if not set, background is set as default).
- getValue()
- Get the 'checked' state of the checkbox control (true or false).
- setValue(value)
- Set the 'checked' state of the checkbox control (true or false).
- setDisabled(value)
- Set the 'disabled' state of the checkbox control (true or false).
- setTooltip(text)
- Text to be displayed on mouseover.
Switching CSS variables
innovaphone.ui1.CssVariables is a library that can be used to switch between different sets of CSS variables.
For example this can be used to switch between different color schemes.
- innovaphone.ui1.CssVariables(sets, current, element)
- Constructor
- sets
- An object containing all sets and the individual CSS variables with their name and value.
- current
- The id of the current set.
- element (optional)
- The DOM node on which the variables should be set. Defaults to document.body.
var schemeDefinitions = {
dark: {
"--background": "black",
"--foreground": "white"
light: {
"--background": "white",
"--foreground": "black"
var schemes = new innovaphone.ui1.CssVariables(schemeDefinitions, "dark");
- current
- Property containing the id of the current set.
- activate(id)
- Switches the CSS variables to the values defined in the given set.
- id
- The id of the set.
- toggle()
- Toggles the current set.