The innovaphone App SDK

Version 13r1

Welcome to the innovaphone App SDK. It contains all you need to start developing your own Apps including sample code and documentation for all innovaphone protocols and APIs is included. So this SDK helps you to create Apps running on the innovaphone App Platform as well as any other applications interfacing in some way with the innovaphone PBX.

Table of contents

Getting started Setting up the Visual Studio development enviroment. How to use it to to build, deploy and debug Apps running on the innovaphone App
Architectural overview Introduction to the innovaphone App Platform and the PBX. Details about the inner components of the and how they interact.
App Development Guide Overview about all existing APIs, libraries and interfaces.
Licensing If you like to monetize your app, this chapter describes your options.
Tutorials Tutorials based on a newly created innovaphone App.
Reference This chapter provides structured access to documentation of all interfaces and related code provided with the App Platform SDK and the innovaphone PBX.
Third party software copyrights The innovaphone code contains public domain software, which may be used under different licenses terms. Only source code with BSD style licenses are used, so no copyleft clause should apply. This document contains a list of all licences, which apply.


We would like to correct any errors in the code and documenation as quickly as possible. So feedback to report errors or questions concerning issues where our documenation is unclear are wellcome.
You also can get support and exchange knowledge with others in our innovaphone Apps SDK Developer Forum wich can be found at